Saddam is long gone, Bin Ladin a faded memory and now Assad is loosing his luster. Yes there was the ray of hope that chemical weapons would step in and save the day but really what are we going to do send in fighter jets to try some strategic air strike of some unconfirmed target?
There's always the economy that gelatinous mass of incomprehensible statistics that permeates ever facet of our lives. What better boogie man could be found? Undefinable and unseen yet scary enough to keep the rubes in a perma- freeze of fear. Forget Dracula this beastie will keep the strongest awake at night just considering the possible consequences. Was that a pink slip I saw in the cubicle next to me? And what's with all the foreign interns showing up this early before school's out? No worries there's always the investments that golden parachute of psychic comfort neatly tucked at the back of the file cabinet. Is that investment house still in business? Something about a merger with a Nigerian outfit. Better check it out later. Read the prospectus when first acquired but that was years ago and things have changed. Wouldn't want to be caught with worthless paper now would we? Might land up pretty expensive toilet paper.
Now if only there was a pill for desperation you could make a killing. Oops perhaps some better term is in order for that. Or maybe we could have a commodities market for murder and mayhem. Picture it now. Robberies were up this week as the economy continues to remain flat. Air strikes took a beating when jet fuel prices sky rocketed. Rapes and murder hold steady but are expected to rise with the coming warm weather. Embezzlements continue to hold steady with a cut back in audits. That sector is expecting a positive growth outlook in the near future. Beatings took a bit of a beating with an increase in security camera sales. Torture and mutilations will be the topic of discussion at the upcoming Mayhem summit.
Ah the perverse things to think about when there's too much time on ones hands. Think there's a soap for that, wonder if they sell stock?