Saturday, August 30, 2014

Friday Beaver - fear edition

Life of late is cheap which makes one wonder if it was always this way or did we just not see it? Was it hidden behind some veil of secrecy? Eventually atrocities creep out. How could a city stand and watch boxcars crammed full of humanity pass by and not wonder what was going on? Justice it seems is only for those holding all the cards, the boys with the most fire power. This truly has turned Orwellian. Good is bad and bad is good. Who would Jesus bomb?

Rights? You actually think you have rights? Shut up. They just slap a label of enemy on your back and you get a visit from a drone. Oops did they kill your family and neighbors in the process? So sorry just collateral damage. Move along nothing to see here. People have a hard enough time just trying to survive without war becoming big business, but that's what it is. Fear is sold on a daily basis just read the headlines. Got to keep the arms dealers in business. Your sons' college degree is now part of a fighter jet flying over Afghanistan. But that's okay because he'd only be flipping burgers or driving a taxi upon graduation.

It's a fools wish to think that all this would just stop. Just stop, unload the gun and put it away. But no we'll just arm some more people only to have them turn their guns against us at some future date and sons and daughters will become cannon fodder just as they have in the past. In the mean time bankers will sit on their fat bonuses having made a "killing" (pun intended) financing our own destruction.

That said let's see who lost in the banker wars.
No casualties this week but stay tuned the year isn't over yet.

Friday, August 22, 2014

Friday Beaver - dead beaver edition

This is getting uglier than a dead beaver.

Here we are fighting ISIS in Iraq an admirable mission considering they murdered entire villages for not converting to their way of thinking. The irony in all this is that by doing so we are doing the will of Syrian leader Assad as well as the wishes of the Iranian leadership. While Assad may be pleased that we are doing much of his dirty work for him by thinning the ranks of ISIS in Iraq, it's doubtful he'd be pleased to have the U.S. enter his airspace. And what of the innocents caught in the crossfire where three armies to clash in northern Syria?

According to the latest reports it's ISIS's plan to create an islamic state covering Syria, Iraq. Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, and Israel. So here we go again. Due to the failed idea of invading Iraq in the first place and the fact that we shut out the Sunnis from the governmental process (we did dissolve Iraq's military after Saddam was overthrown) we have created the perfect power vacuum ripe for an upswing of radicals. Maliki was no help when he effectively shut out the Sunnis as well. Remember there was no Al Qaeda in Iraq until we got there. That has somehow morphed into something worse. Also need to remember that we pretty much created Al Qaeda when we trained the Mujahideen to fight the Russians back in the 80s. 

Meanwhile back here in the U.S police continue to shoot unarmed black men. Put your hands up and they shoot you anyway. All the while not one banker has seen the inside of a jail unless it was one he built to house the less fortunate at a pretty profit.

No bank fails this week 

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sunday Beaver - Financial edition

Not much to report of late. The world has gone crazy and I'm just sitting here waiting to die. That's life. It's what ya do while your waiting to die. Work has become something out of an ancient slave ship all that's missing are whips and a slave master. How's that you say? When the economy tanked companies desperate for business under bid projects just to keep their workers going, that is those lucky enough to find projects. Last jobs I was on were over budget by a week each. And nobody can work full out all the time, but that's what's happening.

Think there's another consequence to all this too, another economic melt down. I saw all the tower cranes that graced the Seattle skyline back in 05 and 06 that disappeared in 09 and 10, well they're back up and busy as ever. That would be a good thing if the rest of the economy was doing well but building more and more apartments and condos won't do much if nobody can afford them and they sit empty. Banks are slowly riding their books of foreclosures but a larger price that will come due is all the savings that was sucked up from the melt down. That's the money banks rely of to leverage more debt and it's not there anymore. Take note of Argentina which can't pay it's debt now in default. It's just a matter of time before the house of cards falls again. And pay no attention to the Dow, it's numbers were perverted years ago with the advent of supercomputers. Forget congress. Their solution was no solution. All they did was make more rules that nobody understands and that banks don't follow anyway. Check your local news for the homeowners who were illegally foreclosed on in the last two years.

That's my two cents.
Bank fails: Two banks failed in the last two weeks one in Ga. and another in IL.