Saturday, February 24, 2007

Bush Cheney blasts Iraqi gay minister over canibal pedephile bomb deaths leaves 200 dead in carnage.

Now that I have your attention. I was just surfing the various news sites the other day and it dawned on me that certain words just jump out at you. I know that the various search engines use a formula for gathering the days' events to automatically post articles on a news sites front page. I also know that news writers use the first twenty five or so words to try and be caught by the hungry web search spiders. To find any positive news you have to dig deep into a web site or be searching for your favorite hobby. Or you could go through some of the millions of blogs out there. Now I'm starting to wonder what the overall effect of seeing negative news over and over and over again will be. This maybe the reason antidepressants seem to be the in thing. In the fifties it was Ellaville (sp). In the sixties and seventies it was Vallium. Now it's Zanax? I don't really know I'm not up on that. It also makes me wonder what the long term effect will be from taking these drugs. I realize that in reality only a very small portion of the population really needs to be on these medications and they are a necessary aid to people with servere mental problems. It makes me wonder what new methods will be developed in the future like implants or mood altering energy rays. (No I don't own a tin foil hat)
After seeing all of the death and destruction over the last five years I've come to the conclusion that it's time to change our focus. Iraq can be rebuilt, but, like the occupants of a house that are trashing it, not until the fighting stops. And yes they are perfectly able of doing the job themselves. We need to start focusing on the problems here at home before going out to help the rest of the world. Our infrustructure is slowly falling apart. Our educational, health care, retirement, power grids, military, treasury, emergency management etc have been gutted. It is time to develop a plan to change all this. I'll throw out some ideas here as they come to me in later posts. Thanks for listening to my random thoughts.


  1. We need to start focusing on the problems here at home before going out to help the rest of the world.

    Absolutely on the money. I guess that is where the problem lies - the U.S. trying 'to help' others, i.e. interfering...

    Sorry, but most of us out there don't want, sorry, NEED your help. We're quite OK on our own. Things tend to turn to custard the moment you fellas arrive and 'help' or 'bring freedom and democracy' and all that bovine faeces...

    Now then, bugger of home and let us get on with it.

  2. Yes it's one of those three (now international) lies. "I'm from the U.S. government and I'm here to help."
