Friday, March 23, 2007

The gift that keeps on giving

Another conviction (sorry these links aren't working again story below)

Griles, an oil and gas lobbyist who became an architect of President Bush's energy policies, is the ninth person convicted in a continuing Justice Department probe. The government is still actively investigating other public officials linked to Abramoff, said officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the issue.

Abramoff's ties to at least three other current or former Republican lawmakers have come under scrutiny in the criminal probe: Rep. John Doolittle of California, former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay of Texas and former Sen. Conrad Burns of Montana. None of them has been charged; all have denied wrongdoing. One former House member, Rep. Bob Ney, R-Ohio, already is serving a jail term on a guilty plea.

Griles pleaded guilty to a felony charge of obstruction, admitting in a plea agreement that he lied in testimony before the Senate Indian Affairs Committee on Nov. 2, 2005, and during an earlier deposition with the panel's investigators on October 20, 2005.

``I am sorry for my wrongdoing. I fully accept the responsibility for my conduct and the consequences it may have,'' he said in a statement. ``When a Senate committee asks questions, they must be answered fully and completely and it is not my place to decide whether those questions are relevant or too personal.''

Prosecutors recommended that Griles serve no more than a 10-month sentence - the minimum they could seek under sentencing guidelines - but only half of it in prison. The other five months would be in either a halfway house or under house arrest. The maximum sentence he could face is five years and a $250,000 fine. Sentencing is set for June 26.

Author's note:
There's another conviction in the Abramoff scandal. At the rate their going convictions might continue through the next administration.
Then of course there's the breaking GONZO NEWS. Seems Gonzo signed the paperwork firing the prosecuters. Gee didn't he just say last week he knew nothing about it.

Is this misadministration falling apart at the seams? I think so.

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