Saturday, May 26, 2007

A Memorial Day Tribute

Oh I have laid down my life in Flanders fields
My body floated off Normandy
I fought with valor with X Corps at Inchon
I was cut off at Dien Bien Phu
How many more will die
How many friends will go

I lost my limbs on the road to Bagdad
IEDs are deadly you know
I was lucky
my tent mate lost his face
And his buddy lost his mind

A little girl asks
When's daddy coming home?
But her mother can't answer
And we all know why

Two tours later
Summer's coming
Will I make it through
The scorching heat

Will I be just a number
Or a flag draped coffin
Just a memory
For my friends back home

You remember me
I was that brown haired
blue eyed high school kid
Up the street that
The younger kids all loved

Mom and dad had great hopes for me
That's all gone now
I'm just a number
On the front page news

But I do have a name
so don't forget me
It's Tom Bob Bill John and Dave
Take a minute and remember me

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