Wednesday, September 5, 2007

A possible solution

graphic by Monkeyfister

It seems that our pleas for an end to the Iraq war, universal health care, and trying to stop the permitting of Mexican truckers free reign of our nations highways has fallen on deaf ears. So what can we do? We can organize and start a nationwide work stoppage. It seems to work in other countries of the "free" world. It would require first the support of the Longshoremen's union and the Teamsters union and any other unions that would want to give support. Any others would be more than welcome to join the protest. No riots in the street. No civil disobedience. Just don't go to work. Call in sick if you must, but just don't be there.
Another suggestion was to turn on all of your lights on a given day as a protest. I don't like that one. I would suggest turning off all your lights thereby lowering your electric bill and depriving the government of the taxes that go with it. This would be quite fitting as the corpratocracy that has taken charge of this country see only dollar signs so let's hit em where it hurts... the wallet. Combine this with a don't buy anything day and I think we can actually get some attention.
What do you think? If you like it and think it's a good idea leave a comment and pass this post on. Maybe just maybe it might make it to the A list bloggers and the mainstream media and catch on. Also the need to pick a date. Any suggestions?


  1. I like IT!!!

    My responses are here:

    I think that October 17th would be the PERFECT day. On a Wednesday, the 25th Anniversary of the Solidarity Movement strikes... A twofer!

    I ginned up a graphic for ya, too.


  2. Hey, D-Man...

    Check your email... I sent you an important message to yahoo!

    I started up the SHUT IT DOWN blog.

    Your invite as co-blogger is what I sent you.

    Edit and add as you'd like...

