Thursday, February 7, 2008

On the storms in Tennesee a call for help

As you may or may not know there were some very bad tornados in the south yesterday. When most of us were focused on the primarys the south was getting creamed with bad weather. Once again our msm gave only a brief blurb with some short footage of what happened. The rest of us in the country have no real picture of the damage. If you can help then pop over to:
Monkeyfister's to get the full story and details.
I'll be helping out as soon as I've finished dealing with a dying relative back east. Man when it rains it pours but life goes on.

Below is a post monkeyfister left in my comment section when I discovered the storm last night (Tue).

monkeyfister said...
I got called into work today, so no pix from me, but, I've got plenty of film footage, and links to storm-pron at my place. What I DO have is a desperate plea for help for any blogger who will promote it out of their comments, and my thanks:

Whilst we're waiting for George's Promised Prayers to roll in, down here in the Tornado-Stricken Mid-South, I might recommend some DIRECT HUMAN INTERACTION.

This Is My Best First Start To Help My Region.

As Scout Prime is to NOLA, I am, suddenly, to the Mid-South area (I LIVE here, and was Live-Blogging these horrible storms all night), and have started to get the help-ball rolling down here. Some of you know where I work. I started a Food Drive there today for the Mid-South United Way Food Bank.

As the area affected is so broad and detached, and everyone in the Country was distracted by politics last night, as yet, there is no central assistance hub set-up. So, at the link, above, you'll find the two agencies with the broadest radius to help the area right now. Both take DIRECT donations.

A small-blog swarm on that (or this) post would be greatly appreciated by more people than just me. I can't describe how wide-spread the damage is down here. It's enormous. The Media, per usual, is only just now waking up to the situation, after their Super-Duper-Let's-All-Wet-Our-Pants-Together- Tuesday Political Hangover. Like NOLA, these are REALLY poor folks down here, and have nothing, and nowhere to go.

A short post about this at YOUR Blog, linking either to my post, above, or directly to the two Orgs mentioned in the post above, would sure be a big help, and would be greatly appreciated by many people who are relying on help. They are all that we have right now.

I just donated a deer's worth of ground venison, along with the 100 pounds of rice and quart-sized ziplock bags that they said that they needed at the United Way Mid-South Food Bank, when I phoned them this morning. Their pantry is BARE, and I'll be loading them up with all the potatoes, rice, veggies, bags, and other staples that I can fit in my truck tomorrow.

This is serious Red State country, and a flood of help from the DFH Left would REALLY make a big difference in a number of good ways.

I thank you all in advance.

Click Here for more about what's going on down here. It's all that I am writing about right now. Help is needed.

Your humble peer,


February 6, 2008 8:08 PM

1 comment:

  1. OT--


    Here's a rough update on the status of the Blog Swarm for Mid-South Tornado Relief...

    I'm shocked, awed, and overwhelmed tonight!

    At least a HUNDRED blogs from every aspect of the political spectrum have taken part in this swarm of goodness. I want to take a moment to thank Chuck Adkins, a blogger at the Town Hall Blog Community and other places for picking up my plea, and spreading it far and wide through the Conservative 'sphere. He's right-- this isn't about politics, but I had to somewhere.

    It will be days before I get everyone thanked properly. But, I'm starting right now, and every day, I will post another set of Thank Yous, until either my fingers fall off and my eyes go blind, or I get to the end of the list. Let's hope for the latter.

    In the past 24-hours, we raised between $13,000 (minimum) to somewhere in the neighborhood of $92,000 for the Mid-South Chapter of the American Red Cross and the Mid-South Chapter of United Way.

    I thank each and every one of you who participated in this immense act of Kindness-- Bloggers and Donors alike. We made an enormous difference between HOPE and Despair today.

    Damn, I'm proud of you all. I've never been so impressed and touched like this in my life. If there is a Statistician in the house, I'd LOVE for you to put the calipers on my numbers.

    You can see how I derived this large range-spread at my place:


    I don't think that I am far off.

    PLEASE pass this around, as there is no way in hell that I can reach everyone who has participated in this action in any sensible way.

    All of my love, and two scoops of IOU to each and every one of you.

    Your Friend, Fan and Admirer,

