Friday, May 23, 2008

Gas price update

I no sooner filled up the tank of the family tank and gas prices went up even more. It went from $3.76 to $3.85 in one day and I can only predict higher prices in the near future. Just wondering at one point will the entire economy come to a grinding halt. If you consider 3/4 of our economy is based on consumer spending and we're all getting hammered with gas and food prices, well you get the picture. We're all in the same leaky boat.
Upon returning to work I find that most of my coworkers have been on the sidelines for quite a while and the usual maintenance jobs have been cut back as well. I just hope I can get in enough hours in the remainder of the year to keep the unemployment checks comming when needed. The positive thing in all of this is that I've learned long ago how to live on very little.
So how are you doing?

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