Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The next generation of cars

As gas has screamed past $4 a gallon and expected to go to $5 or $6 companies are racing to get their new ideas into production.

And if we don't get busy solving the oil situation we'll all be driving something like this:


  1. Hi, Visiting from GJG blog. the gas prices here (va)are not as bad as yours, but getting there. It's just crazy and shows no signs of letting up anytime soon.

    commenting on your tomato post: that is why I planted my own last week, plus they are expensive, just like everything else.

  2. We invested in a 50cc scooter to use for short trips, taking our son to appointments, etc. The thing gets over 125 mpg and since we purchased it two weeks ago, we have already used less than half of the fuel we normally use. The bike now has 198 miles on the odometer and we've only put $4 worth of gas in it! We all need to start making smarter choices and it's easy if we're willing to give up a little comfort.

  3. Wendy
    I was hoping to plant some tomatoes on my back deck this year but the weather here is just no help (overcast and rain). A coworker gave me some last year that he grew. I had forgotten what "real" tomatoes tasted like.
    They are predicting $5 gas by July.
    I'm considering something similar but with the rain we have here I'll need a covered vehicle.

  4. Filled the old truck (a fill up lasts me a month) up a few minutes ago---sob---13.74 gallons, for $59.93 (That works out to $4.359 per gallon). I noticed too, that the local bus going bye was full----people are learning how to be less gas hogs

  5. I'm not sure about the liter to gallon conversion, but the price of gas is steadily climbing here too, of course. I say we jump on the bandwagon. Mule power is the way of the future!

  6. On the other hand, however, we 'd risk losing potential buyers who have a disdain and even mistrust for that sort of strategy. That was one of the reasons that I lost 18% on my retirement account in 2008 versus the markets 36%. Bob always wanted to own a ghost town and with this move, his dream turn into a reality. professionals are not as good handle on the affairs of their parents as Quite a body of work! Connery has defined what it means to be a leading man in roles as a varied as a dapper spy in Her Majestys Secret Service, a turn of the century British adventurer, a reclusive writer, an aging Robin Hood, a chivalrous Arab sheik, an insubordinate British army trooper at the height of the British Empire, a fourteenth century monk and a street-smart Chicago cop during Prohibition.
