Monday, June 23, 2008

Poop meet fan

Called the boss and after almost 7 months of no work the feces is about to hit the fan next week so if my posting is light in the upcoming months you'll know why. The thing I hate about this is that it's like starting out on a marathon but the beginning is more like a sprint and the end is always a sprint. But to be out of shape at the beginning is the worse.


  1. I feel your pain------tis a far, far better thing you do----besides pays the rent and food costs. will see ya when we sees ya.

  2. Hey, where's your RSS link? I wanted to subscribe to you, but can't seem to find it! Help?

    Hope you find SOME time to blurb something out there...

  3. when it rains it pours, just tagged ya with a meme (save ya the trouble of wondering what to blog about), have fun with it (check my blog out for the details)
