Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Say hi to

Wayne John
(Not to be confused with John Wayne)
If you ever wanted to know a few things about blogging Wayne knows more about what's under the hood than anyone I know. He also get's quite a few characters hanging out at his place.

Sorry Wayne I should have posted this sooner.


  1. I agree, Wayne is waaa cool how he talks to us lay people about blogging---waiting for blogger lesson #3---I got some questions to ask him but wanna wait til he gets more into all the variations one can do with one's blog, and past the basics, which quite frankly not sure I fully grasp even now after three monthes of blogging. wow, how did you get a pic of his Gravatar?


  2. Thank Demeur! That was unexpected but I thank you for your support!

    I'm trying to get time to be as helpful as I can to those around me. It's a fine balance of life, work and pleasure, and I'm sure everyone understands that.

    With good people like you and everyone else on my site, it sure does make it worthwhile and satisfying.

    Gary, #3 is coming up, and I know I need to get through these basics, I wish I could move that along faster too. I want to get into the roadblocks that the majority of people have...that's where the real value will come into play.

    Feel free to ask your questions to me Gary. I might just help you on the side time permitting. :)

    Thank you again Demeur!

  3. And thanks for grabbing my standard gravatar, and not the scary one from my gravatar testing. hahahaha...that was a wicked looking kitty...

  4. That's because you are yet to meet me. Just joking Wayne.
