Wednesday, July 16, 2008

This just blows my mind

They just found 3 million barrels of oil in the U.S. supply. No this isn't something to be expected from off shore oil drilling this is in the system right now. How do you misplace 3 million barrels of oil? Was it hiding in the back of Bush's closet?

Lost oil


  1. Oh screw me silly. Really?!?!?!

    DOH! Of all the people, it surprises me Bush hasn't gone the way of Kennedy yet...sad as it is, I think we'd have been better off...but then we'd have to worry about that Dick wouldn't we...

  2. and demand. Hide the oil....make prices go higher...suddenly find it later after we're rich.

    Damn...where's that foil beenie...

    I smell a rat...

  3. it just goes to show ya what americans can do when they set their minds to it and find better ways of cutting down on energy usage. our daily use of oil has dropped some 2.4 percent year to year from last year and is down to 9.3 MILLION barrels a day-----so the 3 million increase in inventory will keep the cars running for about 8 more hours.----now THAT wobbles my mind.

