Saturday, August 30, 2008

The decider will tell you when your meat is safe

Herr Bush has decided to tell you when your beef is safe to eat. This should just make the pig and chicken farmers happy. Seems a certain beef producer is not permitted to test all of their beef for mad cow disease because that would give them an unfair advantage in the market place. Pay close attention to government logic when you read the article.

Isn't this why we have regulations in the first place to encourage companies to do the right thing? Most companies are so focused on the bottom line that they'll do anything to avoid doing an expensive test in the first place. I can only hope that some day somehow all of this stupidity will catch up to the Shrub and kill him. Like the expression goes "hoisted on his own petard." Hope he gets one of those untested steaks from a downer cow. It's a slow and painful death you know.


  1. Another interesting article, and again you have read it and put the donk's spin on it----typical donk conclusion, only the federal government can protect us stupid consumers from buying contaminated meat---seems to me the local state and city level can deal with this problem---yet another expensive federal program is not required, no one in this country has contracted mad cow-----so why a need for more federal intrusion in our lives?

  2. I've been wishing that one since he took office! Thanks for coming by!

  3. I'm curious, Gary - who WOULD you put in charge of making sure food in the food chain is safe? Or maybe you're a Malthusian, in which case, never mind.

  4. it all boils down to population growth out distancing supply. When you start mass butchering, the product becomes adulterated with feces and bacteria. Throw in sick and mistreated animals who were raised stressed with hormone and antibiotic additives and you're headihng toward soylent green.

  5. I agree with GAry and whats with Bush is to blame for everything. Ouch, my arm hurts damn that Bush. Oh no here comes Gustav, Bush again. Ha!! you donks are on some kind of donkey drug. Local and state levels should deal with their problems. The only time the government should get involved is when the State doesn't have their act together as in the case of Katrina run by donks at the time. How did Ray Nagin keep his mayoral post after a joke of a job 3 years ago. YOu guys can complain all day long, dems are good at whining and they never seem to smile much. Always unhappy. I for one am very happy and I love my president. Keep the government out of my beef, and my pocketbook, thank-you.

  6. As far as I know, beer is safe. but it ticks me off that in this state they are charging me a state sales tax on it.

    Hey, if I'm pouring it over my cereal in the morning it's a fucking food item.

  7. Silly guy...regulations are in place to raise money, not protect people....where ever did you get that idea?
