Wednesday, August 6, 2008

More Bush BS

If the following article below doesn't just piss you off then you are not paying attention. While OUR roads are falling apart, our economy is tanking. People are loosing their homes. Jobs are being eliminated. Banks are failing. We're hit with higher prices of food and fuel and soon higher prices for everything. While all of this is going on here, the poor Iraqis can't get it together to even spend the money WE gave THEM to rebuild which was $48 billion according to GAO. And remember $9 billion of that went missing. And to add insult to injury they have a budget surplus of up to $79 billion. And what did we get for our estimated $400 billion dollars? Did we get $12 a barrel oil like was promised before Shrub took office? Of course not. Shrub, Cheney and the good ole oil boys got the elevator and we got the shaft.

Dr. Iraq calling it's time for your walletectomy


  1. oh my!---- YOU thought the war in Iraq was about the oil?? As for the rest of your complaint (which by the way is a valid one)---lets ask what part our elected officials (not just the president) played in all that. Here in California, we got a Gov. who is refusing to raise taxes, and a liberal state congress that refuses to cut spending---so we got your basic $15 BILLION deficit.

  2. Think greed, that's what much of it is about. And the fact that our preznut picks up a bible everyday and thinks he is doing gods work. The fucking idiot. So it is in part a religion war. Religions are going to be a big factor in the next world war. As far as I'm concerned it already started, just not made official yet.

    A thought about bears...
    Talking is okay also, even if you are just talking to yourself. I don't know about music. I don't know what kind of music a bear might like. If it likes it, it may come closer to you. I wouldn't like that.

    If the music changes and it doesn't like that selection, it may come over to just beat the holy living fuck out of you. Ha, ha, ha.

  3. Is that like riding in you car with the wife? With the radio turned on and you hate the others music. he he he

  4. I don't know, are you big enough to beat the shit out of your wife? LOL

  5. My car, my music. Period. Her car, her music. Period. Settled.

    Demeur, you should make a list of all the 'things' that happened during Bush's term. You hit a few there that I forgot about (like most people). They just seem to slide on by and people forget all the bs this guy has had floating around him.

    At some point, most people would begin to believe there is some funny smell about the guy...but no...he seems to be trucking along with no cares.

    "OOOO that smell...can't you smell that smell?"

  6. Our elected officials are supposed to be HIRED to do a JOB. OK. If I did that kind of work , MY ass would be kicked to the curb.

    So....I get to watch my retirement - THAT I WORKED AND SAVED FOR - tank.

  7. do i hear fiddling while smoke is coming from rome
