Monday, September 1, 2008

Can you say 'train wreck'?

Sarah Palin's seventeen year old unmarried daughter is five months pregnant! Oh religious right is not going to look kindly on this news. How's that vetting process going guys?;_ylt=Aj1X0I_zS_miT.fBBcM1Am.s0NUE

The shame! Didn't this mother teach her daughter to keep her legs closed until she was married? Shows you the character of this woman. And you want her to be vice president? I think not.


  1. BUT she's keeping the child, and the GOP, at least at the convention, is giving her a pass. AND it answers the question as to whether Sarah'ds 5th child is actually Sarah's and not the teenager's, which had been speculated. MAC allededly knew.

    Also, Obama said the topic was off-limits for him, which is appropriate.

  2. Well, I really don't care who is screwing who, as long as someone is getting screwed.

    And I think it is unlikely that her mother was a virgin when she got married, and I don't give a shit.

    My daughter popped her cherry in church camp at 15, I found that to be so amusing. Ha, ha, ha.

    Well, we didn't tell her fucked up christian mother that, she would have gone ballistic even though she had a son out of wedlock.

    That I adopted, those fucking christians are fucking insane, stay away from them.

  3. The religious right will work it out to where it is okay with them. You know, she was weak and needs gods help and all that shit.

    Fuck it, get it up, get it in, get it on, but don't mess up her hair dooooooo.

    Oh, wait, put all 12 year old's on birth control and then let them at each other.

  4. Roger - I haven't seen the DNA tests so I wouldn't know. Palin hasn't been fully vetted so I wouldn't be surprised if there are more surprises.

    Billy - The only ones getting screwed is us. We're getting monkey screwed and not even a thank you he he.
    Your daughters mom isn't running for VP.

  5. While I don't believe we can really hold Mom responsible for her daughter getting pregnant, we can hold her responsible for trying to keep it a secret. If it hadn't been for bloggers trying to figure out the truth behind Palin's "youngest child", this wouldn't have come out. Her daughter would have ended up with a bad case of mono and out of sight for a few months.

  6. I thought the religous right taught no sex before marriage, but obviously I am terribly wrong as usual. You know I see nothing wrong with her keeping this child since you know her mom is the govenor and that probably means they won't end up on state aid. It's only poor people who need help that are chastised when they make a super decision, like getting pregnant at 17. I heart republicans.

  7. I don't think anything will come of this other than some sensationalized news bits for the time being.

    In the end, it doesn't matter and I think it actually helps Palin a bit as it shows she is no different than everyone else that are raising kids.

  8. Trig Palin was born in April. Bristol, if 5 months pregnant, got preggers in April. Biologically impossible.

  9. Did you miss something here? I think nucmed got it.
    I seem to recall the rethuglicans jumping on Chealse Clinton's character while the Shrub twins were on a drunkin vacation and getting thrown out of a country.

  10. the Liberals firmly believe if you trash others, they themselves stand taller in others eyes----its all part of their negative outlook on life in general. (JFK must be turning over in his grave)

  11. Pahlin is a decoy. For what or whom, I have not figured out. But this pick was so utterly gawd-awful and it bringing with it so much controversy, it cannot be the real vp choice. What is going on behind the scenes that we don't know about? That's what scares me.

  12. I think Dawn's got it nailed...

    It's too transparent of a move to be the real's shenanigans again...

  13. I have one question for all of the people that commented on Sarah Palin's daughter's many of you can HONESTLY say you DID NOT have sex before you were married? I thought so...People in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

  14. Uh, Sue. I was a virgin until I first got married. Is it okay for me to throw stones?

    I thought so.
