Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Governator might get Erased in a Total Recall

Prison guards aren't too happy with Arnold and are calling for a recall vote.

Governator gets Terminated

All I can say is this is one script that Arnold won't get to write the ending to if the voters have their say.


  1. Typical of the liberal left thining that dominates the blue state control of California is this latest hubbub. The Unionized State Correctional officers are demanding a recall of Republican Governor Swartznegger---why? because he hasn't increased the budget for higher wages for security guards, and worse---the murderers and criminals in the prisons are getting cranky cause of the crowded living conditions----. (they actually might even riot, if they're living conditions aren't improved----only in America would we make this a reason for recalling a govenor---criminals have rights-----??

  2. live by the sword, die by...

    when that complete whack job Darrel Issa decided to use the recall -- he opened the door.

    now every loonie will think of using this tactic

    tho we SHOULD have used it for bush

  3. I could think of other, possibly better reasons to recall Arnold, but he hasn't been totally objectionable to me. I don't mind his stance on environmental issues at all, but I don't like his harsh stance on public employees. If some of the public employees of California wanted to recall Schwarzenegger, I could understand it because I myself am a public employee, and my wife is a nurse. He hasn't been nice to people like us. Whatever. I don't think he's all THAT bad, and as long as the COnstitution doesn't get changed to allow him to run for president, I'm fine with him where he is.

    Over the last decade, recall elections have been all the rage in small towns in Oregon. It doesn't surprise me that the idea got all the way up to a state governorship. Would it were that we could recall the Bush administration, but I don't advocate changing the Constitution to allow it.

  4. I liked Arnold as Conan. As governor I thinks he's done all right by us here. I'm going to give that post a read...

  5. aw crap...I oops...

  6. In Califormia politics, a Progressive just has to look at the most expensive add campaigns and vote the opposite.

    The construdtion/developers and big enegy have the resources to make public opinion go where they want it. Gray got the boot over a luxury car tax.

    This union driven issue is going nowhere, because there is no stake in it for Daddy Big Bucks.
