Monday, September 22, 2008

Here's a solution

Just thinking about the mess this country is in at present. Let me see, if I make bad decisions financially what happens? I get a bad credit score and have a hard time getting a loan. I as a regular person must pay near loan shark interest rates to get another loan. I say we put that $700 billion into a fund go through the investment companies and have those loans re-qualify. If they don't pass the test then the loan stays with the investment house that bought the bad paper. Let them write it off on their books. That would effectively separate the bad from the good and put an end to this mess. Yes I know this sounds simplistic but what other plan could you come up with to solve the mess? Oh yes and I want a decent rate of return on the money. We could sure use it to rebuild this country.

Let me add: A lack of planning on your part does not mean an emergency on my part.


  1. Here's the real problem. The whole premise is "trust me" by those who had been asleep at the wheel.

  2. Give it up, it isn't going to happen until after it topples. For now just worry about yourself.

    As for the tank, no, it's 7'10" X 38'3" long. Pictures can be tricky, that's why your dick can look big in them, ha, ha, ha.

  3. Besides that, compare how tall that tank is next to that picnic shelter that I had already mentioned was 20X30 feet.

    It must be eight feet tall at the eves. Pay attention, godfuckingdamnit. Ha, ha, ha.

    More whiskey !! And fresh horses and women for my men !!

  4. No shit. Marvelous idea. Fantastic philosophy (about the planning/emergency thing). Too bad everybody in Washington must complicate things in order to "fix" them. I'd also like to see the personal assets of all of the brass of these companies seized as collateral. There is no justification for them to keep their zillion-dollar homes and yachts and such when others who have invested in their companies lose everything. But again, that would be fair and just, so it won't happen. Is it November yet? Can I vote now, please?

  5. Dawn- what a swell idea. But you couldn't do it without due process. You need charges. Grand theft country. Illegal gambling. Fraud. There are others...
