Saturday, November 15, 2008

Almost back to normal

After all the overload of politics and bad economic news of late Britney is back in the news. I'm guessing getting into trouble because I don't read that nonsense. Makes you wonder how her kids will land up but then again I really don't care.

Obama plans to put all of his speeches on the internet. I'm sure he won't get as many hits as the kitty diving into the box but I think it's good thing in terms of access now if we could just make it interactive democracy would take on new meaning. Speaking of the virtual world that's getting weirder by the day:

For those who can't handle First Life: A London woman has filed for divorce because she caught her husband's online "Second Life" avatar -- a computer-generated character -- cavorting on a sofa with another, sexier avatar. He's getting off easy. Word is his estranged wife has found a new love in the cyber- universe of "World of Warcraft," a Death Knight with a low opinion of cheating husbands.
I have an idea where this is all going in the future. With the right brain implants entire lives might be lived in some virtual world. I think that that would be just another step toward the extinction of the human race. Any more I think we're becoming virtual people. Our interactions are becoming a sum of text messages, ims, emails and posts. Our kids are overweight and have arteries of adults in their forties. I used to be a photographer many years back. Now you'd think I would have tons of photos of all the places I've been but after 8 or 9 hours of looking through a viewfinder I wanted to experience life first hand. It's a different experience that's for sure. This is what I was trying to get to in an earlier post about information and how we process it. You can read an article or post or even see a video but it's not the same as being in the same room. We miss the body language and subtle aspects that make up a person's personality. And people are never themselves when they know they are being filmed.


  1. We have become a society that lives our lives vicariously through the antics of others or now through the idealized existence made up from our own minds.

  2. Quit true?

    Anyway, it's true that virtual reality is on the way, I read a very interesting book about it a few years back.

    What I can't figure out is how it is going to be supported. You know, paid for.

    In virtual reality you are not going to work, why in the hell would anyone do that in a virtual reality world?

    There you will be playing and having all the great sex you want. But you will still have to work in the real world to support it all.

    Well, fuck, can't give up your day job yet so get back to work for the man.

  3. How will they pay for it? Either by subscription or with ads directly to your brain. That's a scary thought too. Imagine a voice in your head asking if you want to take the newest hernia pills ha ha ha

  4. You seem to be fond of your days as a photographer. Were you as bat shit crazy as us truckers?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Interesting, some comments you can delete, and some you can't.

  8. As far as I know, you can always delete the comments you make, but no one else's. If it is your blog, you can delete any comment you want to.

  9. Lived through the Reagan recession.

    There was a Reagan recession? I guess I didn't notice it. Those were actually good years for me.

  10. Well, they have changed the comment thing some, at least they don't work the same at all blogs it seems.

    Red and Blue, lets see, what do you get when you mix red and blue colors together?

    Purple? Okay, lets shoot for purple and move past red and blue. Don't suppose that will happen soon though, it seems as they have just made Obama a member of the good old boys club of politics.
