Sunday, November 9, 2008

Blog award

Fellow blogger sent me the above award. I take it with mixed feelings because the award is for being part of blogging and bringing friendship closer through blogging. That seems rather redundant to me because that's why people blog. To get their ideas out there and see who holds similar ideas or just needs some moral support. I am beginning to think that blogging is changing the very way we think. On the one hand it brings people at very great distance closer together in a form, but on the other hand it's changing the very way we deal with information and I don't think it's in a good way. Our information gathering on the web has become so fragmented that readers are becoming deficient in gaining the full story or the entire experience. If we reduce our experiences to bits and pieces or 10 second sound bites there a serious danger of psychological ramifications. We will see what happens with the outcome of the next generation.


  1. first of all congrats.....

    you write:
    Our information gathering on the web has become so fragmented that readers are becoming deficient in gaining the full story or the entire experience. If we reduce our experiences to bits and pieces or 10 second sound bites there a serious danger of psychological ramifications.

    our info gathering was always fragmented and hard to gain the complete picture - even when you just had 3 networks doing news on tv and only a couple of major newspapers and magazine.

    the number of outlets hasnt fixed the fragmenting, it has just brought the forefront that it is fragmented. TV, where most news was attained pre-internet was always biased and had an agenda. and LIMITED/

    the nice thing about the internet and blogs is the fact you can get a lot more information - from all sides -- the hard part is discerning what is pure fiction from fact. with tv news - there was plenty of fiction, only we didnt want to admit it.


  2. I'm with D-cap on this. Information has always been fragmented, and is generally held by those in power and kept from those who are out of power. The internet has allowed lots of people to educate themselves about vast varieties of subjects. No, not all of the information out there is true, real or accurate, but you can't believe everything you read in a book or a paper, either. The internet is the great equalizer. People with oddball or unpopular theories and ideas can publish them on the web without having to jump through the hoops a publisher would require. Writing (and blogging) is more about expression now and not about writing for a publisher or a book-buying audience. And while some of the writing out there sucks pretty bad, some of it is magnificent. Much of all of it will never see publication in print, but I still have access to it here. And that is a blessing.

  3. I agree with d-cap and Dawn.

    Information has always been fragmented and incomplete. Any unfragmented "truth" up until the advent of the Internet had been filtered through a very few funnels controlled by government/businees interests.

    Imagine the power of someone like Murdoch, GE, Disney, or whatever media giant you would care to mention, if we did not have the Internet to counter their decided slanted takes on Life as they would like us to see it.

    I feel the Internet has given us more transparency then we have ever had before. And Blogging is one of the important ways we will ensure that we always have it. Finding truth should never be easy.

  4. I've never posted awards others gave me. But the popularity of my blogs rise and fall. I'm not sure what impact they will have on the future, or in it.

    Scott Adam's poses an interesting theory in his book, "The Religion War". But, who knows, this planet it just insane.

  5. The thing about what information comes at you is that you have to properly process it through your bullshit filters.

  6. Maybe the best purpose our blogs serve is to show the rest of the world how bat shit crazy 'christian' America is.

    Of course the rest of the world is pretty much bat shit crazy also.

  7. I refuse to create another generation of me. I decided long ago that I will stop the spread of John's in the least my line. I have no desire to change my mind, kids are a pain in my ass truth be told.

    I'm just trying to keep up with the flood that comes from blogging itself...
