Wednesday, November 26, 2008


With the current difficult times and not much to look forward to in the coming year I can still be thankful to have a roof over head and food in the cupboard. I know the worst is yet to come but I am hopeful that hard times will not last forever. I am thankful that we'll have a new president who understands the suffering of those at the bottom and will do his best to steer things in the right direction. I am thankful that there is hope for without hope then there is no need to continue. There are better times coming and when they do let's not forget those who have lost hope. Let's give them something to be thankful for so that they may regain hope.


  1. Well said. Have a fine Thanksgiving.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving. Why do photos of food look so GOOD? I need to have breakfast now...

  3. Being thankful is often a stepping off point to find hope. Happy Thanksgiving.

  4. Happy thanksgiving Demeur, hope you and your family have a great time. Try not to kill yourself on the cranberries eh?

  5. I ate too much the last two days, I'm stuffed, not used to eating much.

    I don't think things will change much for me, but it's going to be hard on a lot of folks.

    Of course if it's like the great depression it's not going to be pretty for anyone but the richest.

    The main difference will be pictures of bigger buildings in the pictures of those that struggle for a meal.

    If it gets to that I hope that Obama is wise enough to do like Roosevelt did and provide government jobs, and the rich can just damn well support/pay for them.

    Good Thanksgiving to you.

  6. Look at my last comment on the post below this one. If they are not teaching the right things in schools these days something needs to be done about that.
