Friday, February 13, 2009

Birds are flying north in winter?

Depicts 28,000 42-gallon barrels, the amount of of oil consumed in the United States every two minutes (equal to the flow of a medium-sized river).

Snave over at Various Ecstasies has an article about birds flying north this winter and that got me thinking about our little planet. Chris Jordan is a photographer and artist who has been trying for a few years to have us stop and consider exactly how much this country consumes in various time frames. Go to the link and take a look at his work. It will make you stop and consider when you throw that tissue or paper towel in the trash exactly what effect we as a nation have on our environment and the planet.
The above photo is from his Running The Numbers series. Each photo is followed by another that zooms in closer to give a unique perspective of what we use or throw away. Have a look at the link. It's a real eye opener.

Chris Jordan


  1. Chris Jordan is a photographer and artist who has been trying for a few years to have us stop and consider exactly how much this country consumes in various time frames.

    If the rest of the world lived as Americans do, and generally speaking most of it does want to and is trying to, it would take three planets like our planet to support it all.

  2. On the other hand, if you think that you are not part of the omnipresent spirit, why should you give a fuck if it all fails?
