Monday, February 2, 2009

Time to vote the rest of these bastards out

Once again the republicans are blocking anything that would actually help the little guy. That's you and me. Now they want to put big tax breaks for business their usual MO. We know what happens to the money when business gets tax cuts. More perks for CEOs and more to the bottom line with nothing going to the worker or his family. Wasn't it Henry Ford who realized that if his workers weren't making money that they couldn't buy the products that the company made?

Greedy bastards

You'll note that in this anaylasis that the republicans want business to get their overseas taxes lowered to 5%. That is if there's any business that actually pay any taxes. 60% of corporations in this country don't pay any taxes.


  1. I thought you said you were burned out on politics. Hope you get your car fixed asap. I know what a pain it is to be without wheels.

  2. I'm thinking, I do a lot of that crap, that if those fucking politicians ever stop bickering and the government gets some programs going that your trade may pick up some. At least for a while.

    If I was running the show any company that wanted a government contract, all the higher management levels would have to take reductions in pay and agree to no bonuses

  3. Holy shit. Here I am agreeing with BBC.

    As I see it, life as we now have it is 100% due to idiots outspending their income and government and corporate bigwigs remain unaccountable for their astounding earnings and spending habits.

    Cars: Can't live with 'em cuz they don't fit in the house.

    (sorry 'bout that)

  4. Well, you can fit in cars and live in them, many do. But I would prefer a van.

  5. Let's see, I think that we can all find some common ground here.

    I think that we can all agree that Dana likes her boobs, ha ha ha.
