Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Found a new blog/news site

Fresh from the bowels of the creative mind of one Carlos Watson The Stimulist offers some inspiring and fresh angles to todays news. The target audience is the very young voting block who doesn't bother with stoggy newspapers or the slant of the nightly news. This audience gets most of it's news on the run from laptop or cell phone. I know what you're thinking. This must be some Campbells' soup of news condensed to the point of some text message with abreviations that only a preteen could decipher. But no. It's a series of short grabbing paragraphs that lead to articles with an abundance of well researched links. Carlos just may be on to something here by defining a new method that upstages the likes of Google or Yahoo News.


  1. That's pretty good, twitter speak. I guess I have a happy wife!

  2. Hum, like I need another American news site to look at. Try looking at the news from other countries and looking at their side.

  3. That site has an interesting assortment of stories that are a bit different from what most offer. Thanks for the pointer.

  4. Cool site; I bookmarked it. I'm not in their target age group (not by a mile!). I don't even have a cell phone, let alone send text messages.

    But this looks like a faster paced alternative to MSNBC and Yahoo! News where I usually go. And now that "we" won the election, I find AlterNet and RawStory too negative.
