Thursday, May 7, 2009

Going Galt

Going Glib

I hear that there's a new trend sweeping the innertubes and it's going galt. Well never being one to follow trends I've decided to go Glib. In honor of one P. Paulson I give you the republican understanding of supply and demand.

When the demand is high and the supply is low prices go up.

When demand is low and the supply is low prices go up.

When demand is low and the supply is high prices go up.

When the demand is high and the supply is high prices go up.

And in conclusion their definition of supply side economics is when large sums of money moves from the bottom 99% to the top 1%.

Trickle down economics is defined by all monies moving from the Buffets to the Gates and sometimes being stolen by the Madoffs in the process.


  1. Interesting thoughts.

    But there is always another side. Those unique small business monkeys that don't care about getting rich so don't get into a lot of competitive crap.

    They don't care to grow and deal with a lot of employees and such.

    So they don't even try to compete much and their prices are almost higher than others.

    All they have going for them is good service and products and folks that enjoy doing business with them.

    They don't have a large business volume but they don't care because they make enough to get by.

    That is how Rick operates, good work and good materials, and doing things in his own good time, as much as a year to do an interior on a show car.

    And if they don't like it they can just go to hell and go somewhere else.

    But many monkeys in this area have learned that if they do they just get screwed so their next job goes to Rick and they just wait until he calls to tell them it is done.

    He just put new carpeting in a 60's Toyota Land Cruiser that must have cost a bundle to restore. The whole damn body is aluminum now except for the doors, hood, and top.

    It was a frame up restoration and now also has a Chev 350 in it. I'm guessing over a hundred grand is invested in it.

    But I'll give it one thing, it looks better than when it sat on a showroom floor back in the 60's, it's beautiful.

    But I can admire it while also being bothered by it on another level.

    Hell, my truck still has the dent in the door that came with it.

  2. "And in conclusion their definition of supply side economics is when large sums of money move from the bottom 99% to the top 1%."That captures the essence of it almost perfectly. What's missing is the generous sums the top 1 percent share with (mostly) Republican politicians, who in turn see to it that those large sums keep moving from the bottom 99 percent to the top 1 percent.

  3. The first step to fixing our political system is to stop paying the "politician tax"....

    Politicians are not like the rest of us.... they are keenly obsessed with "getting elected" as a measure of success, but although this would seem to suggest that they should care about representing the views of the electors -- the people -- it doesn't work out that way. With extremely rare exceptions, politicians preserve their interests by serving their party (whichever one it is) over the people, and by serving corporate interests and other special interests next to that, also over the people.... so where do we fit in?

    They see us as votes and money, and many of us are suckers.... how many of you donated money to a politician or a party last year? The sad truth is that whatever you did donate was actually a tax imposed by the system through blackmail, one that you didn't have to pay at all, but volunteered.... I have to admit, I'm in that crowd, even though I only gave to Libertarian candidates (who all lost) and the amount I donated amounted to pocket change even in their meager coffers.... but I'd take it back if I could....

    Look at it this way: imagine there are two bullies on your block, and both want to take your lunch money.... each says that if you "voluntarily" pay him, he'll protect you from the other one, and each one talks up how dangerous the other one is in order to convince you to buy protection... but the truth is, if you learn to defend yourself you don't have to give a penny to either of them.

    That's what the Republicrats do -- each side uses the other as a threat to pry your dollars away in the form of campaign donations, and the first and biggest thing WE can do to eliminate donation-driven corruption from the system is to turn off that voluntary faucet of cash flowing out of our pockets.

    In short: DO NOT GIVE ANY MONEY TO POLITICIANS!! not to a candidate, not to a campaign, not to a party, and if you can help it, not to an organization or company that will pass it on to any of those (even a company that will hedge its bets by giving to both sides; in fact, especially such a company).... clean up our politics, do NOT pay the politician tax!!
