Friday, May 22, 2009

Republicans can't live with them can't shoot em

Sarah Palin went skiing again!!???

The ignorance of the republicans just amazes me. Earlier this week they stopped the Gitmo prison from being closed because they were afraid of having detainees brought to U.S. soil. I guess that means we'll have to move all the generic rapists and serial murders we have locked up now to some type of Devils Island in a far away place.

And now we have one Sarah Palin. I can't think of a good analogy to demonstrate the lack of her mental capacity. I always thought the republican party was the conservative party who made the act of saving money into a near religion. But I guess for Palin and now many of the other republicans when the opportunity to use a little money in order to save a lot of money has now come up they'd rather stick of the don't spend any money and therefore save nothing. That's taking conservatism to the next level of stupid. What did she do you ask? Last year when energy prices were way up there ( Alaska has the highest in the nation anyway) Moosilini doled out $26 million to the people of Alaska to help pay their heating bills. A nice kind act in itself. But when the Recovery act came around she is turning down some $700 million to help Alaskans weatherize their homes and probably save a ton of money in the long run. Her objection was that this would force a change in the building codes which most major cities in the state complies with already. I guess Sarah's never hear of the concepts of waivers or the term grandfather unless it's a baseball player or the old guy who falls asleep at picnics. So I feel sorry for the people of Alaska who are stuck with suck an ignorant person. Remember her actions when oil prices climb back up there and there's no state money to help keep the heat on next winter.


  1. I really have a problem even talking about her. I refuse to believe she is even taken seriously. She is an insult to all Americans let alone valid female politicians or even neanderthals capable of thought!

  2. I think that she loves those oil royalties, the state even sends big checks to folks down here that haven't lived in Alaska for many years and doesn't spend any of that money there.

    Really, I know some of them.

  3. Today's conservative Republicans don't give a flip about governing responsibly and well. They disdain government and want people to loathe and despise it the way they do.

    With that attitude, raging incompetence and looniness aren't disqualifying traits for "leadership." What would be disqualifying is ambivalence about doing anything to win elections and retain power, and unwillingness to turn the government into a huge vending machine benefiting the big-money people and corporate interests that fund the GOP and its candidates.

    That and maybe the fact she's pro-gun and attractive explains Palin's appeal. Well, almost. There's also the fact that, much like George W. Bush, she has the capacity to make those of us on the left crazy. Never underestimate the spite factor in what conservative Republicans say and do.

  4. I think wolves should be able to shoot Sarah from helicopters with assault weapons.

  5. Did you see Mancow get water boarded? 6 seconds and he cried torture. Republican prick!

  6. Darn Jim I missed that one. Now if we could just get Rush, Hannety and Beck to follow.

  7. I gasped when they first chose her as a running mate. Or maybe Obama chose her. It was a sure way to win the election.

  8. If you are interested I have the video on yesterday's post. It is well worth watching.

  9. Aw, I'm disappointed. At first I thought that picture at the top of your post really was Sarah Palin. Damn, don't get my hopes up like that.
