Monday, June 15, 2009

Cheney wants another Al qaeda attack?

Dasterdly Dick

Nothing like wanting your own country to fail. He must have just loved it when the planes flew into the WTC. First cowering in the bunker under the white house then realizing that he could use that to his advantage and gain more power than any executive branch in U.S. history. Now he wants a repeat so that he can say I told you so. This man is pure evil. Little does Dick know that fear only works for so long then it is of little value for getting what you want. We saw how this worked with McCarthy and the fear of a commie under everyone's bed. Could we just declare him an "enemy combatant" and have him sent to Gitmo to be waterboarded? Oh that's right the adults took office and eliminated that term and are going to close Gitmo. Too bad Dickey no more Spanish Inquisition for you. And even though our national security isn't perfect it's still better than when you were in office. I know this from personnal experience. And because now we have some competent people in those positions and not a bunch of your cronies.


  1. That snarling bastard, I don't even like his fascist face. I just heard what Panneta said about it looking like Cheney wants another attack so he can say I told you so. He is and I have said it a million times!

  2. Let's not play all our cards too early in the game. It would be a blessing for the adults who took office, along with about 73 percent of the rest of us, if Deadeye Dick were to be the GOP nominee in 2012. Better yet if Cheney were to have Sarah Palin do some fancy pageant walking beside him.

  3. What would it take to get this man to STFU?

  4. Green, I'm thinking deportation to Pakistan's ungoverned territory bordering Afghanistan, at a point closest to wherever the CIA thinks bin Laden is probably holed up. :)

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