Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Whig (Republican) Party

Watching Keith Olberman last night gave a good run down on what's happening to the Republican party. Looking back to the Whig party of the 1800s we're seeing history repeat itself in exactly that same way. The issues are slightly different but the process is exactly the same. What happened back then? The party split on an issue of slavery and states rights among other things. Those (and I refer to moderates) not holding the party line (that supported slavery by the way) were banished, kicked out if you will from support of the party. Those that left were anti slavery and they included Abraham Lincoln who was later elected as a republican. Seems the Republican party is following the way of the Whigs. If you're not for us then you must be a socialist or communist or some other implied derogatory term. So it appears the the Republicans are very busy eating their own. Banishing anyone not up to very extremist standards. Much like trying to polish a rotten apple this is one apple that will end up in the dumpster of history. When the Whig party was in power they had the control of most of the newspapers of the day. The Republicans of today thought they could do the same forgetting that the internet provides by the second fact checks that easily dispell any lie or falsehood they could diseminate. They think that if they repeat themselves enough times on the airwaves that the populice will believe what they are selling. Their latest has been to try and change history and blame those who have been out of power for over a decade. It doesn't and won't work but they will try none the less. It's so easy to fact check what they say that it can be done in seconds. The Republican Party is so much like the Whig Party of your great great grandpa's era that maybe it's time to put them to rest. If we're kind we'll just send them off to the retirement homes where they should have been in the first place. You wouldn't let grandpa have control of the TV remote. Why would you let him run a country?


  1. Good analogy -- we don't want Grandpa (or would that be Great-Great-Grandpa) handling the remote. And we certainly don't want him driving on the freeway during rush hour, which is basically what the Dumbya administration was like.

    The Republican Party will probably learn from their mistakes and make a comeback -- eventually. In the meantime, they can join the Whigs.

  2. I'm sick of it all if you ask me. Religion should be completely removed from the equation somehow, and leave people to actually think for themselves without having some ancient book guiding their thoughts.

    Sorry, just watched Religulous again...

  3. Nothing you can do about any of it and it's all going to take whatever path it takes.

    You should go camping.

  4. I guess I was tied up yesterday and I just got back from the VA. The Politicians like Gingrich are realizing how much they are alienating the party and are making a half assed attempt to lighten up. The ass holes like Cheney's daughter and Limbaugh refuse to lighten up. It is sickening.

  5. How are you liking our heat wave? I'm loving it. I don't know about these stupid monkeys though, they whine about the heat and buy A/C units and then more energy has to be produced for it all, that's hard on the planet.

    Energy that they have to work for to pay for of course. I just set up a camping cot outside and sleep outside and enjoy the night sounds.

    I hope it cools off a bit by Saturday though, I'm going to go work on the trail again.

  6. i personally love watching the self destruction

    just watch them try to win back the Hispanic vote.....
