Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tin foil hat time

I noticed that the investigation or should I say possible investigation of Dick Cheney has been scrubbed from the news in less than 24 hours. Nothing on yahoo, google or cnn websites today. I have a bit of a theory about all of this. While Cheney was in office he was able to claim executive privelage thereby blocking any investigation. And this little transgression was so well hidden that even the head of the CIA at the time was not informed or so we are led to believe. That may or may not come out.
Note that when Cheney left office he was busy on the airwaves for weeks on end trying to justify everything his administration did. I'm sure at that time he was going through and destroying any documents that would link him to the crimes. Remember there's more than just the witholding of information from congress here. There was the outing of Valerie Plame that came from his office. There's the torture memos that I'm sure were directed by him. There's the firing of Sibel Edmonds because her translations of intercepted arabic messages didn't fit somebodies needs. There's that wonderful Unpartiot Act that had to be written long before 911 took place. It was after all over 1000 pages and you can't just slap that together in a couple of weeks.

But back to the program. An assasination program whereby trained assasins move secretly through other countries and kill suspected terrorists leaders. Slight problem there. It's called sovereignty. You can't just go moving through other countries kidnapping or executing people as you please. And that brings me to a supposition. As we know at the beginning of this 911 world Bush gave himself (or should I say his handlers) the power to declare any U.S. citizen an "enemy combatant". No habeus corpus no investigation no grand jury bang you're now an enemy. So I suspect that this CIA program that was so well hidden from us and congress would have permitted the CIA to operate within the borders of the U.S. because if someone is declared enemy combatant then they are then no longer a U.S. citizen with all the rights that go along with it. We saw that with Jose Padilla. This would have permitted death squads to operate within U.S. borders. And to say as an excuse that this was not an operational program doesn't take into account that over a million dollars had been spent on the program.

Lastly there was the no warrant wiretap program. This had the effect of keeping the rest of congress in line. It permitted those in power the ability to spy on the other side of the isle with no oversite or repercussions. We've heard from former NSA employees that they abused that power by listening on juicy conversations that had nothing to do with national security. So the last bastion of freedom seems to be the internet and bloggers who have the courage to post the truth and maintain an intelligent discourse on today's issues. Speaking of truth I have another bit of info from Iran that I'll post later.


  1. I wish I could say you are wrong and prove you are wrong, but I can't. It's sad state of affairs.

  2. Yeah, interesting and scary times we live in. Thanks to Bush and his cronies for destroying the America we knew...of course, 911 helped change things too. But the reactions coming from Washington during that time surely helped create an even more state of nervousness within our borders, and perhaps that is exactly what "they" wanted.

    Where's my hat...

  3. All this is indeed scary. The truth should come out, because if it doesn't the next Cheney to come along as president or V.P. is likely to pick up where the original left off. If that happens, it could well be fatal for our democracy and freedoms.

    I worry that one reason some Democrats, especially in the Senate, don't want to pursue this is because they're afraid they will come off looking like passive idiots who knew things they should've spoken up about, but didn't for fear of being branded pro-terrorist. I hope that's not so, but wouldn't bet my last buck on it being wrong.

  4. I oppose waterboarding generally, but if it gets Dick Cheney to talk...

  5. Why are people getting all upset over Cheney’s illegal death squads, illegal torture techniques, illegal NSA spying program, lets face it, nothing will happen to him, they might investigate, the justification will be 9/11, 9/11, 9/11 or you are only giving ammunition to our enemies and in the end nothing will happen, he is part of the ruling class. The chickens are coming home to roost from the operatives that stole the election for Bush/Cheney 2000 in Florida and 2004 in Ohio. I love listening to Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, and Glenn Beck, these chicken hawks on the War of Terror have become chicken little’s that the sky is falling when it comes to the economy, too funny.

  6. I suppose that any help he needed from from the CIA to cover his tracks, he got. After all, the CIA is here for 'the protection of this county'.

    Because we are so special and all that shit, don't you know? Na, we're just another tribe of monkeys fucking around.

    So I suspect that this CIA program that was so well hidden from us and congress would have permitted the CIA to operate within the borders of the U.S. because if someone is declared enemy combatant then they are then no longer a U.S. citizen with all the rights that go along with it.

    Actually, as much as I bitch about this country I'm surprised I haven't been proclaimed to be no longer a U.S. citizen.

    That would be no problem for me though, I was just born and raised here, but I'm a citizen of this planet, not just one country.

    Why doesn't anyone understand this 'we are one' shit? Fucking tribal monkeys.

  7. Assholes voted for Cheney the first time cause Bill Clinton got a fuckin blow job and Al Gore was not amusing, and the second time to stop fuckin gay marriage, and cause John Kerry was a coward and a traitor. The shitheads will vote in Republicans next time to stop Socialism even though they have no fucking idea what Socialism actually IS.
    Like Reality TV, Americans ask for it and they get it. It's pathetic, but that's how it is.

  8. Only Dick Cheney could simultaneously claim (1) executive privilege, and (2) that the vice presidency isn't part of the executive branch.

    I haven't checked the alternative news sites lately -- AlterNet, Think Progress, Raw Story -- but hopefully they won't discontinue a story just because their corporate masters tell them to.
