Sunday, August 30, 2009

Here's one I know I'll want to miss

Jenna Bush Hager will be doing work for the Today show. I believe the photo above was taken just before the country they were visiting asked them to leave.

And it seems Jenna has her father's mastery of the English language by the following:

"I hope to focus on what I'm passionate about because I think I'd do them best job on them — education, urban education, women and children's issues and literacy," Hager said.

God and she's a teacher!!?


  1. Good dog, and you know she'll breed another generation of idiots.

  2. Literacy yeah that's a Bush strong point. I can't believe we are going to have to look at her after what that bastard did.

  3. me love you long time

  4. I think she's thinking with her bush, he he he.

  5. Even given George W.'s habit of mangling the language, I sense the presence of a typo there, or maybe it was transcribed from a garbled recording. I've heard both daughters speak and being interviewed, and neither was that bad.

    Of course, if she's been spending more time with daddy, maybe some more of his language mangling has rubbed off.

  6. Give the girl a break, she's young, she's just out of school, she might be a little green, but she has ten times the savvy W. had.

  7. Holte: Ten times the savvy of Shrub still puts someone below Ted Baxter.

    This Bush spawn is not qualified, and didn't deserve to get the job.

  8. Today's Buckets cartoon is cute.

  9. Any country stupid enough to put Bush in office deserved him.

  10. You forget Billy he stole two elections. First there was Florida and Ohio. Then the machines were fixed. That's why so many states went back to paper ballots.

  11. The Bush Dynasty will live on forever. Jenna will someday be the first woman elected to the White House.

    But not until after George P. Bush (Jeb's son) serves his guaranteed two terms :)

  12. libhom wrote: "Ten times the savvy of Shrub still puts someone below Ted Baxter."

    Best laugh of the day. Thanks.
