Monday, August 10, 2009

Sibel Edmonds

Some time ago a translator for the FBI was fired. With the deluge of information coming out of the middle east after 911 Sibel Edmonds was one of the many translators who was able to translate several of the arabic languages. When she was asked to change what she had translated she refused and was terminated. The FBI labeled her a trouble maker yet in a review of her claims the information she provided about coruption within the agency proved true and not just about her translations. The Justice Department (remember this was under Ashcroft) put a gag order on her stating "state secrets". She was kept muzzled until a law suit by Ohio congressional candidate John Krikorian against Jean Schmit (R) Ohio (you might remember Mean Jean saying that John Murtha a decorated marine was a coward) required Edmonds to testify. Seems Jean may have been taking bribes from the Turkish government or so the law suit says. At any rate Sibel was able to testify during a six hour deposition on Saturday and from the beginning and from what can be gathered she spilled the beans on the Justice Department, the FBI, Dennis Hasert and a bunch of others.
I don't know about now but had this happened several years ago a whole bunch of people would be doing life in prison or worse. Remember when the Rosenbergs were put to death for revealing nuclear secrets? Well this involves the same thing only on a higher level. A summary of the deposition should be up some time later today.

A big hat tip to Ornery bastard and The Brad Blog for the news dump. To see a 10 minute clip pop over to THE BRAD BLOG


  1. Monday morning, raining lightly here, may be headed your way.

  2. The thing that [NATIONAL SECURITY] about this [NATIONAL SECURITY] is that [NATIONAL SECURITY], you know?

  3. The treason all of them routinely got away with will never come to light and they will never be held accountable. It really is horrible.

  4. I think when they are concerned about security, it's only their security they are concerned about.

  5. I get the general feeling that eventually the poop will hit the fan and you'll be seeing jail time.

  6. Perhaps 50 million of us chip in $1 each, and go class action after them. I've never been to a public execution.

  7. Ooh, I like the class action action going on there...I'm in for $2.

  8. That's quite a story, although it doesn't surprise me. It will be interesting to see whether, and perhaps how, the MSM will play this. They're due for the Next Big Scandal.

  9. SW to date I have seen nothing on the MSM about this. I was surprised that neither Maddow, Olberman nor Shultz gave it so much as a mention.

  10. First I thought you were gonna say she was fired by the FBI for being gay. The Army "weeded out" some of their best Arabic translators because they were gay. So now we can't accurately translate the intelligence we intercept in the Middle East, but at least we don't have any of them there homasexials corrupting the Army.

    Good old Mean Jean Schmit, who could forget her.
