Tuesday, August 25, 2009

So you think that you can get the government out of your life

If you're sitting there at your computer reading this then you are using a benefit of governemnt research. Brought to it's current state by universities funded by the government. The chair you sit in is on a floor built by building and fire codes. You walk to the kitchen and flip the light powered by a public agency and fill a glass from the tap - water another public agency. You open the fridge for some ice (government standards for energy efficiency there). Okay you'll just head down to the store for some doughnuts. You walk to the car with it's emisson standards and air bag and buckle up (all government requirements). You pull out to the street - built and maintained with tax dollars to the state highway - state tax dollars there. You walk through the door of the 7-11 that must have a government liscense and grab a box of your favorite powdereds - covered by the Dept. of Agriculture and the Health Department. Driving home you notice a fire truck pass you - a public agency and a police car with lights and sieren sounding - another public agency. You get pulled over and asked for your license - DOL a government agency.
You flip on the radio - FCC there. Nothing on radio so you flip open your cell phone - again covered by government rules and agencies. You call your aging mother at the home built and supported by government funds. Did she get her check this month? - a government check. She thinks it might have been stolen from her mailbox a government agency. She better call the Social Security Office (government) to report it. Did she get the right medication (FDA) from her doctor (AMA)? You tell her you'll be flying out (FAA) next month for a visit. You tell her to be careful because someone is stealing medications from nursing homes (DEA). You tell her you'll check on her retirement funds (SEC) when you can.

And it goes on and on and on. You might think that you can hide from the government but you can't, it's there in everything you do. There isn't one thing you touch that doesn't have some government involvement in one way or another.


  1. There is nothing wrong with that. It is called civilization. And taxes are the price we pay for civilization. If you don't like government, try Somalia. If you don't like taxes, try several failed states where taxes are uncollectable from the well-to-do.

  2. A lot of government regulations stop us from being killed when we plug in a toaster or turn on the TV or from being poisoned when we buy our food. I wish regulations had worked as well with Wall Street as they do with donuts.

  3. It is all encompassing but all in all it does do some good. I like a lot of the standard set by the Government. It is most of the Government I have a problem with. The two party system is the enemy of progress. Now that we need them all they do is fight. They are worthless!

  4. I don't have any problem with what I think is a good mother type government, all family's need a good mother, but ours is getting away from that in some ways.

    The chair you sit in is on a floor built by building and fire codes.

    This place was built back during the great depression and I don't think there was much for codes back then. But it was built hell for stout, except for the roof, and has a three inch thick floor.

    And when I gutted it out I installed new wiring (no permit) and reinforced the rafters.

    I'm fine with it the way it is and when I'm done with it it will be bulldozed down and hauled to the landfill so something else can be built here.

    It's commercial property so as the place grows this block will become mostly business's I suppose. Glad I won't be here to see it.

  5. Billy that was back when wood was cheap and they really built em well. I've torn apart many old buildings around here. Many of them could have stood another fifty years.

  6. Fodder that was a slam at republicans who are too cheap to pay for anything.

  7. AAP until we pass election funding reform nothing will change. They're all paid for by big business.

  8. Holte it would have worked on Wall Street if they had regulations.

  9. My first house was a tiny little rancher built in 1953. It had real foot footers, and withstood a hurricane with no worries a'tall. The house I"m in now? Yeah, not so much.

    Republicans hate when I point out all the terrible government intervention that you just pointed out, Demeur...they just hate it. Gnash teeth, rend breasts, the whole nine yards with some wailing thrown in for shits and giggles.

    Personally, I love building codes.

  10. people hate govt until they NEED govt

  11. Demeur, I understood that perfectly. So were my comments. They were not aimed at you. Sorry if it appeared that way.
