Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Bad taste in ads

Photo shows multiple planes flying into buildings in NYC.
The caption in the upper right reads The tsunami killed 100 times more people than 911 the planet is powerful respect it. Sponsored by WWF.
The problem? It was not sponsored by WWF who asked that this ad be removed.
Thought I'd save a copy of it. Hat tip to Keith Olbermann and staff.


  1. Bad taste is right, and there seems to be an awful lot of it going around these days.

  2. Do me a favor, because my readership is down, I'm trying to spruce up the quality of comments and - with all due respect, your odd & inane drivel isn't helping. Please consider not coming back.

    I think everybody is pretty sick of conspiracy driven loonies.

  3. That ad is disgusting, any idea where it was published? Whoever published that is just as bad.

    Gee Whiz - Helen Wheels, ever heard of comment moderation? If you moderate you can talk to people who are just like you.

  4. FYI: Demeur, the post by "Helen Wheels" is not from me - it's just a stalker I've had bothering me since 2005. His name is Carl Johnson and his stalking has gotten so out of hand that last year I had to file a police report against him.

    If you ever get nasty comments that say they are from me again, just delete them and rest assured they aren't from the real me. I don't insult my progressive pals :)

  5. How sweet! No need to apologize, your reaction to the fake HelenWheels was spot on :)

    Thank you.

  6. Helen - your situation sounds quite annoying; sorry for that.

  7. Well, today his antics are bringing new friends to my blog, so I guess his "plan" backfired.

    Lemons out of lemonade sometimes!

    Thank you. It's annoying but that's life in the blogosphere, eh?

  8. Hi, Helen Wheels. I went to your blog looking for some dumb ass Republican rant and came away totally baffled. I will go back, now that I know you didn't insult Demeur. I don't have many readers, especially ones that comment so I tend to be protective. I am so glad I didn't leave a scathing remark.

  9. Will the real Helen Wheels please stand up.

  10. Ha ha! Fellow blogger Karen Zipdrive is saying he's a female impersonator.

    Thanks for being so polite all of you :)

  11. Okay, now I'm not sure which is the real Helen Wheels, it sucks when some moron impersonates another. I've had that done to me, interesting to note that it's always whacked out so called christians that do that.

  12. HelenWheels: You might want to check out the blog Dumbasses In Government. Your impostor left a rightwing comment there, several posts ago.

    I had a rightwing wacko spamming my site mercilessly 4 years ago, and I've been using comment moderation ever since.

  13. If the first comment isn't the real Helen Wheels can't you just delete it? Cuz that is the first link I clicked on.

    The next link took me to what I assume is her profile but the just aintrightblog is listed there.

    I'm confused.

  14. BBC - and you'd be 100% correct.

    It's quite the wingnut thing to do.

  15. Here's how you can tell the diff, BBC.

    In Blogger, if you click someone's name link - it goes to their profile, not their blog.

    Numbnuts Carl can't do that - or make my pic show up in comments - so he improvised.

    Sorry to distract from the discussion on your most excellent post, DCap.

  16. Thanks Tom - I went & explained to Carlos what happened. I appreciate it.

  17. OOops sorry I thought the last comment was on another blog (DCap's).

  18. That is the height of idiocy! It never seizes to amaze me that regardless of position some are just incapable of engaging brain before acting.

  19. I just want to thank the real Helen Wheels for the help.

  20. The REAL HelenWheels has no gap in the name (at least in these comments), while the faux Helen Wheels does, FWIW.
