Tuesday, September 15, 2009

The counter protest

A group calling themselves Billionaires for Wealthcare did a little snarky job on the teabaggers in D.C. this weekend and they even have a website. Billionaires for Wealthcare

And what protest would be complete with out signs:

Some of the teabaggers were so stupid that they bought it.


  1. Bee turned me on to a video of the Billionaires for Wealthcare. They went to a town hall meeting with similar signs to what you show and they got a round of applause from the teabaggers. Unbelievable.

  2. Some of them looked like deer in the headlights. They didn't know what to think because they can't think.

  3. That's funny! They have been on wealth care since Bush now I hope it ends! All them idiots think this is funny!

  4. I'll take whatever brilliant health plan they come up with AS LONG AS the billionaires have to use it too.
