Friday, September 18, 2009

The Friday beaver

Here's a big one and this time it's not an otter. Speaking of big ones a breaking story is set to come out Tuesday. It was scheduled to come out today but got delayed. I wonder if that was to give the rethugs time to try and spin it. More on this later.


  1. Oh, lordy, I'm afraid to ask what the "big story" will be.

    Nice beaver.


  2. Ooh, you've got me excited. It will be nice to hear some good news for a change.

  3. Unfortunately this won't be good news. Especially if you're certain congressman or former member of the past admin. For the rest of us the truth may be told.

  4. You've got me interested! I will stay tuned. And that beaver is AMAZINGLY huge!

  5. Hey, I'm feeling pretty partisan these days. If it's bad news for a Republican it's good news for us.
