Monday, October 26, 2009

Collapse - the post Bush years

Like spitting in the ocean the problems we face are insurmountable or at least appear that way. Where to begin? What area wasn't touched by the Bush cabel the last eight years and turned to poop?

!. Banking - It's now easier to walk on water than it is to get a new mortgage even if your credit is A 1. Unless you already have a line of credit forget trying to tap into your home in the event of emergency. Comforting news should you need open heart surgery. In other credit news banks and credit unions have been jacking up their rates to near finance company levels. Sorry Christopher Dodd you were too late with your freeze on credit card interest rates.
2. Forclosures - Goes hand in hand with banking, continues but may or may not be slowing. I feel bad for those that live in Detroit where 9000 homes were put on the auction block yet the forclosure vultures didn't bite even with $500 minimum bid. Hey that guy on late night "Lazy man's way to wealth" told me I could make a killing in real estate right now. He forgot to mention that I'd need an AK47 and pitbull guard dog even to fix the place once I kicked out the squatters.
3. Wars - No immediate end in sight on those fronts (pardon the pun) as we continue to dump billions more cash and lost soldiers lives that we don't have. And there's Dracula Cheney wanting us to stay there 100 years or more. He must awaken to the smell of napalm. Just wonder how much he gets from his Haliburton retirement plan. Loves blood and guts as long as they're not his.
4 Jobs - What jobs? Worst employment numbers it 26 years. Senate is voting on an extension tomorrow. I'd gladly have a job rather than an extension any day yet I have no choice but to hope this passes because there is no alternative. This would make the 5th extension for those counting.
5. Wall Street - I laugh when I look at the figures. The Dow hits 10,000+ and all the financial talking heads say how rosey things are for them. It's all an illusion boys and girls. The market at one time was at over 14,000 before people woke up and realized that it was all an illusion. Like my home being worth 1/4 million ha ha ha yea right.
6. Health care - We have the best health care in the world. Yeah if you're a senator or congressmen. For the rest of us it's getting close to the worst. We rank 50th on the world scale and one person dies every 12 minutes for lack of insurance. Those with insurance are finding the rates going up and what they get going down, higher premiums and less coverage. And yet insurance companies say they aren't making enough profits while they're spending $1.4 million in lobbying efforts, per day!

I could go on and on and on but you get the idea.


  1. Hey, that's a cool picture of our country, at the top of your post.

    Imploding is fun.

    Obama has some Herculean tasks ahead of him. Whole lot of ocean-spitting still to be done.

  2. Are you trying to say Geo. W. Bush wasn't good for the country? What are you some kind of do-gooder? A tree-hugging, root for the underdog, Liberal?

    Yeah. Me too.

  3. Not much point in blaming everything on Bush, this has been a while in coming.

    And Obama can't fix it, they'll just make him a member of the club.

    Never mind what the country is coming to, mind what you will have to do to keep getting by.

    The great American experiment was just that, an experiment. Even the forefathers understood that in forming a new government and political system that it was just an experiment.

    I dare say, a failed one, and I'm damn sure not going to be faithful and patriotic to it.

    Nationalism and patriotism is an infantile belief others are brainwashed into supporting.

  4. A tree-hugging, root for the underdog, Liberal?

    Define Liberal, and not in the dictionary sense.

  5. Liberal? Well, in my opinion it is anyone who believes in people before profits. People who believe wrong is wrong, no matter which party or individual is involved. People who think it is more important to preserve the Earth instead of preserving companies that pollute. Other than that ... oh wait, it also counts for undefined measurements as in, right now I'm going to have a liberal helping of malts and barley.

  6. Liberal? Well, in my opinion it is anyone who believes in people before profits.

    I can accept that definition, but have you ever noticed how many liberals are stinking rich?

    Words are just words.

  7. Liberals generally believe the economy exists to serve the people, not the other way around. Liberals believe government can and should play a responsible role in helping people solve or at least manage problems they can't handle themselves. Liberals tend to think people who choose to live together in society have some responsibility to one another, to pull together and to maintain a decent community and societal environment for everyone to live and work in. I could go on, BBC, but you get the idea.

  8. Demeur, your rundown of what ails us is hard truth. George W. Bush was the worst president ever and did damn near everything in his power over eight horrible years to make things worse while ignoring serious problems that needed dealing with.

    But as BBC points out, the troubles we're suffering with were a long time in the making. A lot of pols made bad decisions, but then the people elected those pols. Go down the list of presidents starting with Nixon. Republican rule comes at a terrible price, and we're all going to be paying that price for quite some time, no matter what Obama and congressional Democrats do.

  9. Consider yourself blessed that you are eligible for an extension. As a former small business owner brought to his knees by the economy, I have no access to unemployment compensation. I'm told to 'suck it up'.

  10. So, did you buy your AK-47 yet? I'm not much of a gun man myself, so I'm hoping I can take over Billy Mays' gig.

  11. As obnoxious as you may be, Randal, you could never fill Billy Mays' shoes. ;)

  12. Anderson, I understand how liberals generally think, as long as it benefits them just a tad more than it does others.

    I see them spouting off all the time about such things as helping and supporting others and such.

    They put on big fancy gigs and such to gain support and bring money in to help others, but give very little of their own money, they want you to give yours.

    They love putting on their pretty duds and going to money raising events in their pretty rigs.

    It's all magic, smoke screens and bullshit. They have what they want and they want everyone else to pay for the rest of it, generally speaking of course.

    There are exceptions of course, like Bill Gates. But he is filthy stinking rich so he can and well afford to help in big ways while not hurting his fancy lifestyle one wit.

  13. And check out the credit card companies gouging the public just before regulations kick in in, the bastards.

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