Saturday, November 21, 2009

Well the ole man here just turned 5*

No I won't give my exact age because I've been holding at 39 for many years now and just don't want to think about it anymore. The mind keeps telling me I'm 30 but the body has other ideas. More like 80. Well what do you expect after nearly 20 years of heavy labor? The mind wrote a check and the body cashed it but I think it bounced.


  1. It was very interesting for me to read that blog. Thank author for it. I like such themes and everything that is connected to them. I would like to read a bit more on that blog soon.

  2. D - Happy Birthday. I thought it was the sun rising in the west and it was just your birthday cake withteh candles lit. You got a fire permit for that thing and enough carbon credits to keep Al Gore from melting?

  3. Thought I'd put LED candles on the cake and we can use it to guid planes in for a landing.

  4. That's what you get for not selling out and decided to devote your life to stomping on the dreams of others.
    I will drink alcohol in your honor, but I promise I won't try and fly any planes.

  5. Happy Demeur Day, I was going to say something else, but Anon. beat me to it.

  6. Best wishes on your day of days, Demeur.


  7. Congrats. I'll bet I've been 39 longer than you.

  8. Happy Birthday man! I stayed 25 for 20 years now I am aging so fast I look my age. Life isn't it interesting?

  9. Twenty years of hard labor? Hell, I had that in the bag by the time I was 35. Now I'm 66 and most of those years except for the last few years was also hard labor, and hard play.

    I've held up pretty well, does my body complain some? Damn right, sometimes a lot, I tell it to fuck off because I don't feel like quitting yet.

    I shove the pain aside and ignore it and keep moving on, I'm always moving on and have ever complained about my aches and pains in my posts.

    Anyway, happy birthday, buck up and carry on. Like a doctor that once told a nurse that asked him if I should have a shot for pain before sticking a big needle in my knee to suck the fluid out of it.

    "No, he can just bite the bullet." He was a good doctor and knew that I didn't want to be pampered.

  10. Thanks all
    Randal you would use anything as an excuse to imbibe.
    Holte Anon sounds like one of them furrners. Like to see his/her blog.
    DB keep the photoshops coming. Only wish I had your skills.
    Tom I have this portrait in the attic that keeps getting older. Just can't figure it out.
    Jim I'm just now turning gray. Not bad for an old dude eh?
    Billy you've been dead for years. You just won't fall over. Your girlfriend called she said she's charging you with assult with a dead weapon. ha ha

  11. Happy birthday, Demeur. May all your future beavers be happy ones.

  12. assult with a dead weapon. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

  13. Ah, you're a regular Jack Benny. Happy XXth natal day!

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