Sunday, December 6, 2009

My stuff and your s#@t

Rodger Green got me to thinking about all the stuff we collect. I know I have things in a closet or bin that I haven't even looked at in well over ten years and yet there it will remain until for some reason (usually remodeling) it will get moved or donated or thrown out. I truly believe that we throw out enough junk to start another country. Maybe that would be a good way to get out of Afghanistan. We'll empty out our closets and send them all of our junk. Since they have almost nothing now it would be a windfall for them. In doing so we could quickly Americanize them to our materialistic way of thinking. Imagine them walking around in Nikes carrying ipods. And this would be far cheaper than using drones and expensive military hardware.

I used to have enough room for my stuff until somebody put their s#@t in the way. Now it's a constant task to move or throw things out. The never ending battle against clutter. This is now a never ending battle. A war that can not be won. A quagmire worse than any guerilla war.
And now we come to that time of year when stuff is what it's all about. How much loot did you get from Santa? Maybe I'll just be bad this year. I could use the coal to keep warm.


  1. Lordy, don't get me started on all my shit. It really is ridiculous, when you come right down to it. However, I suppose it could be worse - most of my shit is books.

  2. Being as no one else lives here with me they are not adding shit to my stuff. Never mind that a lot of my stuff is also shit, it's my shit.

    I make very little waste though, Helen and I share a 60 gallon garbage container that only gets picked up once a month.

    Much of it is her dirty cat litter.

  3. Bee, books isn't shit if you read the right ones. And I don't clutter my place with them, I return them to the library.

  4. Move to another country and pay $3.50 per kg to ship your stuff. Reduces shitloads of stuff in a hurry. I took mostly books. BBC, you are right. Books ain't shit, they are old friends.

  5. I've learned one thing the hard way, never trust your books, your old friends, with others, most likely you won't be getting them back.

  6. Demeur that is great!
    I can do with absolutely nothing but not the wife. When we moved she got rid of enough clothes to supply New York's salvation army and all never worn. Now she is starting a new collection of stuff. it is unbelievable. I too will take the coal!

  7. I can do with absolutely nothing but not the wife. When we moved she got rid of enough clothes to supply New York's salvation army and all never worn.

    Everyday I see reminders to be thankful I no longer have a mate.

  8. I never thought I'd be the kind of guy who'd have a messy garage. I was wrong.

  9. My garage isn't messy, it's just full of shit, ha ha ha

  10. OK, I'm convinced. My old clothes and magazines will be sent to Afghanistan.

  11. Clutter is chaos.I donate things to the Salvation Army or Goodwill stores when I can. Nothing like finding any miscellaneous item(s) in your dwelling at a moments notice because of the lack of s#it.
