Friday, January 15, 2010

The Friday pussie and other funnies

The first battle began a little after noon pacific time. Some of the first insurgents were spotted over the kitchen sink. Armed with a damp dishrag that towel snap approach from jr. high came in handy but it was no match for these little devils. First one then two then four then six. But they just kept coming and they seemed to be on to my method launching themselves to safety just as I was about to rear back with the death snap. Time to rethink my method or resort to new tactics. They had regrouped as well calling in reinforcments from where I didn't know. That's it. Time to clean out every possible hiding nest of these little nasties. First any fruit lying about that would draw these critters? Ah a banana on the counter quickly eaten. I'd cut off their supply lines. Next all the dishes from every corner rinsed out and in the dishwasher. Got to get rid of the peel and take all the garbage out. Cleaned out the fridge just as a precaution. No sign of the enemy there, good.
And now for a new tactic. Looking down at a stack of mail for the recycle a new plan was hatched. I realized that by using an envelope I could sneak up on the little bastards and easily squish them before they could make flight. The death toll rose. Ten, twenty, fifty, then 100. Just where had these vermin set up shop? I brought out the vacuum and worked over everything. At one point I even used the vac to suck up the devils until they developed some six sense of what I was doing and would take flight at the sight of the nozzle. So it was back to envelopes. The battle raged for hours. Hundreds of these fruit flies now have laid down their lives leaving their remains mostly on the windows and sliding door. It was getting dark so I had to call off the attack at least for the day. But I know that those remaining will regroup tomorrow and I'll give it one last push to eliminate this deadly menace.

And for the Friday bank failures: Three more banks hit the skids. One in Utah,Minn., and Ill.

And lastly I leave you with this: If your neighbor asked you for a glass of water would you deny him?


  1. Sounds like a harrowing experience, Demeur. I hate to have a single fly loose in the house. I trust you'll get the best of 'em tomorrow.

    Cute cat pic, as always.

  2. Take a teriyaki sauce bottle (or something similar) fill it with water and a bit of vinegar. The fruit flies will go in & can't get out.

  3. Take a teriyaki sauce bottle (or something similar) fill it with water and a bit of vinegar. The fruit flies will go in & can't get out.

  4. I'd never deny my neighbor a glass of water as long as I remembered to spike it with arsenic first.

  5. Fruit flies at this time of year? I thought they vanished after the first cold snap of November or December.

  6. [... ] is another relavant source of information on this subject[...]

  7. Demeur,
    as the world's biggest RODENT freak (IE, I abhor the batards), I was assuming you were battling MICE until reading further.
    Fruit flies---ahhhh.
    Looking at the doughnut in the hole, your situation could obviously be much worse!
    (also, thus, the pic of the pussy)

  8. Fruit flies at this time of year? I thought they vanished after the first cold snap of November or December.
