Friday, January 8, 2010

Friday pussy

Just the last few days there's been three bodies discovered. One in a burned out car (that one they are pretty sure about) One floating in the water and a third by the side of the road. Gruesome times we live in.

Mora gets fired as Seahawk head coach. Can we dig up and reanimate Vince Lombardi?

85,000 more hit the unemployment line last month.

But to end on a good note the republicans continue to eat their own when today Michael Steele was basically told to shut up by the RNC. Me thinks he won't be around much longer as donations are down and some large donors have said they will close their wallets if Steele is still the head. Bye bye Mike.


  1. Mora gets fired as Seahawk head coach. Can we dig up and reanimate Vince Lombardi?

    I don't watch overpaid sports, they offend my soul so I don't give a rats ass about them.

    They keep trying to make the job market look better than it is but the figures are skewed cuz many have simply given up on looking for work.

    How are they getting by? I really don't know, will end up on government assistant programs I suppose, that they will learn to love because they learn to get by on that help and don't have to work anymore at all.

    They go fishing and camping and have more or less an eternal vacation. Interesting, that.

    I could make a few phone calls or send out a few emails and go to work tomorrow. I'm just not interested in more money, I get by just fine on my little retirement.

  2. The Republicans do seem to be in a downward spiral. I was fascinated by Rudy's meltdown as he lost any credibility might have now or in the future with his over the top politization of Obama's reaction to the undie bomber. For that matter, all of the right wing nuts who have made a big deal of this are looking very stupid and sad about now.

    It would pick up my day to see Steele shown the door. That no chin wonder symbolizes the worst of what the Rep[ublican Party of my youth has become.

  3. I wouldn't be surprised to learn Steele would just as soon his fellow Republicans would kick him out of the job, maybe even out of the party. He probably figures the more notoriety he gets, the more books he'll sell, TV guest shots and $20,000 speaking gigs he'll get.

  4. Macrum, Giuliani blew his credibility several years ago. The news in this latest episode is why the media call on him in the first place. It's like signing up with Bernie Madoff for financial planning services by mail. Someone might be able to do it, but why would he/she want to?

  5. Steele was cynical choice by the RNC in the first place, as if a black man criticizing a black man would give them more credibility. Didn't work.

  6. funny thing - i rode up the elevator at work the other day with Michael Steele - it took everything in me to not say "for a tall guy you are a real douchebag."

  7. Michael Steele hasn't worked out. But that's OK, there must be another Token Negro out there who could take his place, hopefully without offending Rush Limbaugh and Richard Mellon Scaife.

  8. The difference between a democrat and a republican is a mirror.

  9. There's an RNC mouthpiece, Ron Christy (Christie?), who shows up on CNN and MSNBC a lot. He'd be perfect. He spouts the party line and latest talking points like a robot, no matter how untrue/ridiculous, you name it. He makes J.C. Watts (who must've gotten a real life) look like a crusty maverick, by comparison.

  10. The creed of all politicians:


  11. The bad news never stops! Did you see that ass Steele saying Reid should step down. That ass! I remember when Reid said that, big deal!

  12. God Billy they can't even lie very well now.
    Jim I think Steele is out and if they're smart they get rid of him asap. But we know they're not too bright.

  13. The dummy Steele says they get rid if Steele or I will when I replace him. That is a horrible thought!
