Friday, February 19, 2010

The Friday pussy and other items

This headline caught my eye:
Consumer prices excluding food and energy fall
Isn't that much like saying the patient is doing well if you exclude the fact that he's not breathing and has no heartbeat?

Dinners - You want to keep the baddies out of you house? Go down to a second hand store and pick up the following items:
1. The largest and cheapest pair of workboots you can find.
2. The largest dog collar you can find.
3. A length of large heavy chain.
Leave these items near the front door with a note that reads: Honey I think Pluto got loose again.
(hat tip to Dana of Life is good)

Update: Oops I forgot the bank failures. This week it was four more banks hitting the skids. And one I missed from Feb. 5. Sad to report you aint't seen nothing yet. Wait till the option loans come due later this year. Hummmm is it time to put my money in the mattress now?


  1. I love how they always don't include the stuff that keeps us upright enough to buy more shit.

  2. And you really really think I'd get a dog and call it Pluto?

    Are you nuts???? know me so well...;-)

  3. I've always wondered how one could leave out the price of food and makes zero sense.

  4. I saw that same headline too. WTF?

    Sort of a variation on "other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?"

  5. I prefer a good fence and gun over a dog but that's just me. And some warning systems in case someone enters your property in the night.

    I think that your list lacked an important item. An old fashioned hand crank meat grinder.

    You can turn any tough thing into decent hamburger with one of them in hard times, even stray dogs.

    I'm serious, I have three of them....

  6. Actually, being as I do all the grocery shopping for Helen and I, I think that food prices are still pretty damn reasonable.

    For the simple things that we eat anyway. I feed both of us for about two bucks a day.

    Helen spends more on cat food than we both spend on food to feed us.

    Don't know what I would name a dog if I was to get one.

    As for the price of energy, not the way I live, so it has little effect on me.

  7. . . . . prices excluding food and energy fall . . .

    I just trying to think what else i spend my money on?

  8. Great kitty pic as always. Captures the cat attitude well.

    Your analogy about consumer prices is perfect. In fact, during the Clinton years, the list of items used to determine price trends was jiggered to include some very questionable assumptions — making the CPI much less accurate, IMO.
