Friday, February 26, 2010

The Friday pussy

Okay I know you're buried under snow back east and we're in the 50s here. Now let the kitty back in he's freezing out there.

Odd thought came to me the other day. With all the text messaging on phones and email and all I just wondered what our language will be in say 20 years. With lol and wtf becoming common place and hundreds of acronyms and abbreviations working their way into main stream communications it makes me wonder if word derivations will be lost down some linguistic rat hole to be lost forever. And as the compression continues whether words will disolve down to two or three letters and numbers. Or even worse, just drop the letters and go with numbers.

That reminds me of a joke I heard as a kid:
A new guy was just starting a prison term at a local prison. Sitting in his cell late one night he noticed that several of the other prisoners were shouting out numbers. Taking turns one prisoner would yell out 37! And the other long termers would howl with laughter. Curious the new guy got the attention of the cell next to his. "What's going on?" the new guy said. "Oh they're just telling jokes" said the guy in the next cell. "They've been here so long they know the jokes so well they gave them numbers. "Hey can I try it?" said the new guy. "Sure give it a shot." With that the new guy yell out 47! Dead silence. Again he yells out 47! Nothing total quiet. The new guy asks "what's going on here? The guy in the next cell says "You didn't tell it right."

Update: Almost forgot again two more bank failures for the week one in Nevada and one in Tacoma Washington. And I hear some 702 banks are at risk of failure.


  1. maybe he should have yelled "69!"?

    ...oh...allright...I'll get me coat..

  2. My cats think I'm a doorman. One will nap for hours on her bed on top of my wardrobe closet but when I lay down for a nap she jumps down and wants out. WTF?

    I should put in a one way cat door. Not a two way cuz there's cats living in the yard that I don't want coming in here.

    They are just moochers and squatters here that Helen feeds so they have taken up living in my yard cuz there are so many places for them to hide.

    Well, all cats are just moochers and squatters.

  3. When I worked in the Arctic one year, we all knew the same jokes so we pretended to have them numbered. Whenever someone would say something that would remind us of a joke or a comeback line, we'd yell out a number at random and all laugh. Outsiders thought we were crazy. We likely were.

  4. I hear adults chopping up the language, leaving off endings as if that third syllable would ruin their entire day. Wanks.

  5. That's funny! Yhep our banks are going under but they saved theirs, the big ones we don't use.

  6. Another great cat photo and caption. His expression fits perfectly.

    Oh, and like Macrum said (whatever it was) ;)
