Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I got nothing

Not much to post the last few days. Seems the more things change the more they stay the same.
The health care "restart" is just more of the same. Republicans say they have a plan the GOP plan which if they had bothered to even read the bill they just turned down had all of the elements that they had been screaming about for the last six months. Like a bunch of two year olds who when mommy finally gives in and gives the little brat the toy he wanted then proceeds to continue his crying jag wanting something else and when she gives him that he doesn't want that either. Time to slap the little brats in the ass and make them stand in the corner while mommy does the real business. And when these hypocrites come up for reelection it's time to show them the door because they have done absolutely nothing good for this country all while collecting a nice paycheck and benefits. Think of this for a minute. If you're working and you don't have health care yet your expected to pay tax dollars are going to pay for a bunch of guys health care that are preventing you from having it what's wrong with that picture?
Now these clowns are talking about offering up a bill to eliminate Medicare and Medicaid and try to privatize Social Security something the former head of that administration said was stupid. So not only do they want to kill grandma they want to make sure Wall Street gets what little money she has left.


  1. You need to pop over to MadMikesAmerica. - Link on my blog.

    There's a YouTube of some babe who is awesome (as you say over there) proving that your Republicans don't give a shit for you and yours.

    Never depend on your govt.

    They'll always let you down.

    Well..you can depend on them for that....

    Take care over there...

  2. ". . . when these hypocrites come up for reelection it's time to show them the door because they have done absolutely nothing good for this country all while collecting a nice paycheck and benefits."

    Yes, Reublicans/conservatives deserve nothing but rejection, when they're after campaign money and after votes. But what they've done goes far beyond failure to do anything good. Republicans have done incredible, long term harm, screwing up everything they've gotten their cloven hooves on.

  3. I'm about 300 posts behind, posts I've written that have never got posted but I limit myself to one post a day most times.

    You really do need to get over the health care issue. Like the rest of us, you are going to die also.

  4. I remember when Republicans and Democrats fought but still made deals. Lately they seem like they're fighting just for the sake of fighting. I wish they'd all get over it - both Dems and Republicans - and get back to the good old days when they put aside their differences and made deals. That's what we pay them for.

  5. You said: "I got nothing" you got something.

  6. Demeur the first time I heard one of them suggest doing away with medicare as well as social security was Romney and it scared the hell out of me. Wait until those fascists get back in as they will. We are in more trouble than ever!

  7. I was in the process of signing up for insurance through work when I was diagnosed with cancer. I was rushed through to surgery with everyone saying not to worry about the financial aspect,'there are programs to help'...DSHS rejected retroactive coverage because 'your cancer did not metastasize'...so if I was dying, they'd have covered the bills, but since I'm going to live, I'm on my own with no hope in hell of ever paying back $80,000. living in poverty.
