Tuesday, March 30, 2010

The end as we know it is here

It is signed sealed and delivered. No stopping it now. The fatal leap that one last step at cliff's edge. No turning back now. And now to see what we've bought. To rip the clear plastic wrapper on this encyclopedic piece of work. To understand? Ha now there's a mission. Your degree in English won't help you now. This was written in that unknown language governmenteze and even those who can speak and write it can't understand it. They leave that to the courts to decide. Section II paragraph 2 part b? Please refer to subsection I part c. They snickered as they wrote for they knew what hell they wrought. "Don't forget the crossed out section" they chuckled and add it on page 608. Just where was that? It was right there next to the pizza order in the side column.

Round and round it will go with yet more lies and falsehoods while the army of legal eggheads pour over fine print with their Sherlock magna glasses looking for loop holes because that's what the insurance companies are paying them piles of cash to do. And where's the republican boys in all this? They were supposed to stop this takeover. Oh I forgot they were planning their next junket. Hawaii is so yesterday, not even there long enough to tan. Not as much fun as leather, diapers and lewd lesbian dancers either those boring committee meetings. Now they can go back to their home towns to cry that they tried to defeat those evil socialists and now everybody should lock and load because that's what real Mericans do.

They'll whine and scream and everyone will pout until it's all worked out. And years from now we'll all look back and wonder why we didn't do this years ago. It's the nature of the beast.

(hat tip to the Randal of Graves for the inspiration)


  1. Damn it, I knew Randal was behind this.

  2. What in the hell makes you think we'll be here years from now? It's best to make the best of each day, like my trip to the hot springs today that I posted at....


  3. Holte I could only hope to be a cheap version of the famous Graves.

    Billy I have that portrait in my attic that keeps getting older that's why.

  4. You know I read this posting 3 times so far and with each reading I get more and more out of it.

    People will carry on, and in the most unusual ways. Apathy is transparent but then again who cares.

  5. Sounds like I'm missing all the fun.

  6. I feel healthier already.

    Actually what I am probably more pleased about was the tag along education bill that went with it. 800,000 more Pell grants for larger amounts? Excellent.

  7. Just figured to drop by for my first time actually .... What an excellent, short, and too the point piece here I want to say. I can see you have a very clear picture of the "reality". Many of us are psychologically constipated of our thought flow, from the high concentration of horseshit we are fed and believe. I must say I love the picture you posted ... I am a big fan of that scene .... and yes .... I been a VERY bad boy especially! .... a real SOB as a matter of fact.

    Thanx Guy ........

  8. I can't read the post! I can't take my eyes off that damn picture!!

  9. You can't blame me. For starters, we've never, ever had lewd lesbians at any library meeting, committee, group and/or consortium. If we did, I'd never post.

    The good thing is that after the end truly comes, we'll have you to direct us towards proper containment of the inevitable wave of toxins flooding our neighborhoods.

  10. I suppose it figures the health care legislation would also turn out to be a Lawyers Full Employment Act. I just hope it doesn't have the same payoff for Republicans.

    This is why democracy is such a messy way to run things. Messy, but still better than the alternatives.

  11. Randal wrote: "You can't blame me. For starters, we've never, ever had lewd lesbians at any library meeting, committee, group and/or consortium."

    Well, slacker, have you done anything to rectify that? Don't just sit around writing laments, get out there and do something about it. :)

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