Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday beaver

This guy is trying to get into a medical center. Why? I don't know because if he's a Canadian beaver he's already covered.

A big stupid award goes to Sen. Colburn for blocking a bill that would have extended unemployment insurance to those who have been out of work for six months or more. Thanks senator nothing like kicking people while they're down.

Bank failures: Another 4 banks hit the skids this week 2 GA 1 AZ and 1 FL. Correction from last week there was a total of 7 and not 3 as reported. Four didn't make the list until late.


  1. Demeur

    I hope people at least this time around find their memories. Remember the ones trying to help you and most important remember the ones who don't give a shit about you. This Senator as you know is a Doctor. Geeeeez what about do no harm? Tom's got to go to. We have had enough of mean to last us many lifetimes. This false pretense of we have to pay for it is bullshit. I wish someone would ask him if when he voted on going to two wars and the prescription bill if that was paid for. Obstructionist bastards.

  2. My question is, why is there water right up to the edge of the glass door? Did the beaver build a dam that is now flooding the house, and he's bashing at the door to get in and claim it for his territory? They're fiendish, those paddle-tailed terrorists, but not as bad as the drop-bears I used to hear tales about when I lived in Australia.

    (If you click on that linky, do NOT roll your cursor across the bear image...))

  3. I know the memory that will stay with me is the image of a man with Parkinson's being spit on and having money tossed at him by red faced tea baggers. If ever there was an image be ashamed of, it is that one.

  4. Coburn's no medical doctor, he thinks he's the protagonist from that Kiss song.

  5. I have been saying it since Bush but despite efforts this will continue to get worse. Repugs are taking turns gumming up the works until they create a crisis they can use in their favor, a Rove Cheney, Bush trick!

  6. MRMacrum
    Your right on with that image.
    My wife and I actually cried. I kept wondering if that man was a Vet. I was thinking what he might be thinking
    of his fellow man. I find you just can't reason with these people. There not rational thus are motivated only by fear which is an emotion. Trying to deal with someone that is highly emotional is quite impossible. I'm trying to come up with another way to get through to them.

  7. I think Randal nailed it.

    And MRMacrum, too - I saw that video, and was ashamed of that self-absorbed jackass throwing money like he was some big f'ing bigshot who mattered worth a damn in the universe.

  8. Republicans want the public good and PO'd at Congress, figuring that will help them in the fall elections. If people are mad enough to vote incumbents out, Democrats will get hurt the worst because they have the most incumbents.

    Republicans also are playing to the rich and to economic Darwinists of all income levels. Republican senators couldn't care less about the unemployed — unless they see themselves being voted out of their jobs. They care about that a lot.

  9. Macrum, selfishness is the name of the political right's game. Cruelty is just one of their ways of acting out what's inside them.

  10. May we live in interesting times. Still steaming along over here though.

    Of course I have no need for a doctor or a job. Thankfully...

  11. What MRMcrumb said. I hope that image got more play than on MSNBC, but it made me sob.

    And the teabaggers have morphed into the unapologetic KKK!

  12. NYT is reporting that many of the tea baggers are unemployed and/or collecting social security and medicare.

    Perhaps what Colburn is doing is trying to create more tea baggers - by creating more frustrated out of work Americans with no social safety net.

  13. Tell ya what I think, that things are going to get a lot worse and the government won't be able to keep extending unemployment benefits for millions hoping that things turn around soon.

    So those millions had better figure out how they are going to get by without those benefits, you can only expect so much from your government.

  14. Anyone wanting a safety net should have planned their own.

  15. BBC
    Sometimes my friend life Happens. We all try to have our safety nets. Sometimes things are out of our control. Example..I built a landscaping company from the ground upStarted with a lawnmower,VW rabbit,And a dream.Built it up to a million dollar business. Employed 14 people.Dumptrucks, loaders,skid steer,and backhoes. 12 forth. At the age of 40 and having no health insurance because I didn't have time for that stuff. Great condition,used to press 175lbs military style.Ok you got the 40 I had a major stroke.Lost my left side.One week in the hospital was near 50 thousand dollars.Kind of wiped out my cash. My customers found out I was sick and all went on to someone else. My employees jumped ship. After that week in the hospital,I did rehab all by myself. Agony just trying to walk. It took me over a year to get by with just a limp. Meanwhile we were on our own. Xmas came and went and there was nothing for our kids. I had to sell everything I owned to get by. Not to mention 75,000 to the IRS. So I lost the business and from that point I couldn't purchase insurance because of a pre-existing condition.
    I had two young boys at home that in my planning would have inherit the business. Didn't happen. I guess my point in telling this is to say some people have luck and some do not. For those that have been shit on, hopefully at least the Gov. will help. You no funny thing, when I was kinda wealthy I had given away so much money for people to have cars, a down payment for a house,apartment,and even a vacation. These people were no where
    to be found when my kids did without. No was the fire dept,Elks, and the various boards I sat in on.
    Tell me BBC, how was I to plan for that...

  16. Sorry more thoughts..If someone to say"well you dumb bastard, you should have bought health Insurance..My reasoning at the time was I was in great shape(so I thought)
    I couldn't afford it for my employees so in my mind it was hypocritical for me to get it.
    Lastly If I had extra money it all went back into the business as I was planning for my safety Net in the future.
