Thursday, March 4, 2010

PCBs - in your fish oil and vitamin suppliments?

Saw that breaking news law suit yesterday in California. Now before you jump on those tree hugging commies you need to stop and consider what's showing up in our foods. As we stupidly dumped so many toxic things into the ground, rivers and lakes they're coming back to bite us in the rear. Very slowly we are poisoning ourselves. We got rid of the lead in gas many years ago but it's still there in soil and water. Lead being an element doesn't go away.

PCBs are a man made invention. What the hell are they and why should I care you ask? They took a highly flammable chemical benzene and were able to bind it with chlorine to come up with a non flammable that doesn't easily break down. This turned out to be just a Jim dandy material to use in transformers and balasts because it took away heat in electrical circuits without breaking down meaning you didn't have to replace the part very often. But then the bad thing happened. People who worked with the stuff started getting some very rare and nasty cancers. So in the 70s PCBs were banned. But the damage has been done. The PCBs are in the food chain. And the bad thing is they aren't going to go away. The chemical has a cummulative effect being stored in your fat cells. So the more and longer you take these suppliments the more nastys build up in your system. So you just might want to hold off on the suppliments until the test results are published.

I tried to find the test results to see what levels they were talking about from the filed law suit but wasn't able to find it only the info from the link below.



  1. "The chemical has a cummulative effect being stored in your fat cells"

    So I need to lose weight like yesterday?...;-)

    We really are a bunch of fuck ups aren't we.

    You look at all the lifeforms on this planet of ours and you start to wonder if we aren't actually a lifeform at all but a virus...

    I need a voddy....

  2. Demeur,
    Scary man.I used to work in a place where we periodically had to change out power units.

    Occasionally we'd have some oily crap on our hands so we'd wipe it off on our jean, not giving it any thought.

    We later found out these things had PCB's when guys in Hazmat suits came to replace them all. We'd like to think there was nothing in that oily we crap we wiped on our jeans.

  3. As we stupidly dumped so many toxic things into the ground, rivers and lakes they're coming back to bite us in the rear.

    The operative word is 'we', but we really didn't know any better.

    I worked in and with many nasty things, so now I've been told, all my life, yet I'm still here, maybe I just got lucky.

    Says the aging man as he lights a cigar.

  4. Occasionally we'd have some oily crap on our hands so we'd wipe it off on our jean, not giving it any thought.

    Occasionally? In some of my trades I thought my jeans were just there to wipe my hands on before I picked my nose.

  5. The year Marie and I lived in Arizona we rented 20 acres (and lived on it in a trailer) from a man that worked for the power company, we didn't have electricity out there.

    But he gave me oil from old electrical transformers and I used a few gallons of it a day to heat hot water for a shower for us in a heater I made.

    Actually, he gave me whole transformers and I tore them apart and sold the copper in them so I've done my part to fuck things up, my work here is done. he he he he

  6. Homo erectus was around for several hundred thousand years.

    Homo sapiens for maybe 50,000 to 150,000. Civilization as we know it, maybe 5,000 years. And modern times, maybe a few hundred.

    And we like to think the Neanderthals were stupid?

  7. Sometimes I think if I'm confronted with one more ominous thing to worry about, I'll go straight over the edge. I'm quickly coming to the conclusion that modern life is inconsistent with health and safety.

    I just saw a headline about methane releases from warming in arctic regions. They say this could speed up and increase global warming. Which will be a problem, unless the earthquake zone 30 miles off the Washington coast gives us The Big One first, in which case I'll need to see if I can swim to safety along the Idaho coast.

    Pass the aspirin, please.

  8. I'm thinking that they will find mercury in the fish oil very soon, if it isn't already there but not being talked about.

    Back in the 60's, I would have to sweep asbestos laden fireproofing (for structural steel) off of the floor so that we could snap layout lines for the walls we would be building. Did it for years. No one warned us...

  9. I can't believe no one is excited about the awesome comic book superpowers this array of chemicals, both natural and man-made, are going to give us!
