Friday, April 30, 2010

Beaver hiding

With all the bad news about oil spills, earthquakes and tornados this little guy looks like he's hiding. Now when does hurricane season start?

More later...


  1. I've got some hiding spots picked out myself, it sure has been a strange journey since my dream and resulting move here.

    Recently while visiting other blogs I’ve noticed more comments in Chinese or Japanese. Stuff occurs to me, just jumps into my head when I’m pondering on other things. Those comments when translated often don’t make much sense, and as often as not, are not related to the post at all.

    That got me to thinking, are these comments left there because they are some kind of code for terrorists to go read? I don’t know, just had the thought is all. Not that it makes much difference I guess if you see the big picture as I do.

    We fuss about local problems but they are no different than the problems in any location in the country, while the bigger picture (world wide) shows things going to hell faster and faster because we’ve over populated the planet, and adding our destructive ways and environmental disasters to the ones nature has always provided us with is likely more than she can cope with.

    Result : Mankind is stupid and created his own end times, we’re screwed.

    Conclusion : Not much point in trying to figure out how to make the youth smarter in education programs, it’s likely that in twenty years the best skill they will have is knowing how to hunt as they try to survive. Survival of the fittest is how it will go, it’s always been that way.

    I hope that if pockets of humanity survives they are a lot wiser than we are now, we’re smart enough education wise, but wise we are not.

  2. Well, what the hell, I'm sitting okay, and have no intention of being here in twenty years anyway. It's just the future of the youth that bothers me.

    But it's going to be up to them to work it out, or not.

  3. Damn dude .... I live in Texas and been through hurricane's in Houston and Miami, and earthquake's in LA, and I dont even know when the Hell hurricane season start's and end's! Think it start's in fall though and last for several month's (I think)

    later .........

  4. The big difference between the end of times you foresee and the end of times the fundies see coming, is nobody will be saved.

  5. Holte Ender may be right, who really knows other than the fact that a lot us see bad shit coming.

    We have no business drilling for oil in 5000 feet deep water with a the technology we are now using. I've been pondering on that(not that I wanted to)and they need to develop the technology that allows them to build big domes down there that won't collapse under that much pressure.

    And then live and drill at 5000 feet under, not off of a floating platform on the surface, that's just a location looking for something bad to happen.

    With an underwater dome they can just run a pipeline to shore on the sea bed.

    Oh what the hell, let them destroy everything and try to not worry about it too much, we can't stop them anyway.

  6. Your so rotten Billy you'll probably be here till your 96.
    I delete all posts not in English even though I can read a couple of languages. Most are spam anyway.

    You're right Holte we'll all be worm food anyway at that point.

    Chimp we're just waiting for the big one (quake) here. Then it's game over.

  7. That poor beaver is hiding from that new deadly fungus that's invading the Northwest.

  8. 96? That's 29 fucking years, no way will I be here that long. My spirit will, but this body won't.

    That poor beaver is hiding from that new deadly fungus that's invading the Northwest.

    No doubt created by nature to try to get rid of some of us, her biggest mistake. Whatever.

  9. I only read a little about that fungus, if it's only harmful to us it's no big deal. It's not like we deserve to be here, other than the fact that we think we are so special.

    Does the beaver think it's special? No, it's just trying to get by the best it can. I suppose they will still be here long after nature rejects us.

  10. Can you blame the poor critter...
    At least so far he's not covered in oil...or fungus....But he'll probably be shot for sport anyway...

  11. One reason things look so bleak is that we get so much news from all over the world of every terrible thing that happens everywhere. It can pile up and make it seem like we're in some kind of global death spiral.

    Just this year, big mine disaster in China. Then earthquakes in Haiti and Chile. Then a mine disaster in W. Virginia. Now, a huge oil release disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. And yes, coming right up, not only hurricane season, but tornados in the lower Midwest and across the south. Never a dull, peaceful moment.

    It would be interesting to see a study identifying the 100 least disaster-prone places on Earth.

  12. It would be interesting to see a study identifying the 100 least disaster-prone places on Earth.

    I believe my area would qualify for that, up to this point anyway, but we are due for a big quake.

    Most harm done around here is simply stupid monkeys doing stupid things and not using common sense.

  13. If only you all would pray harder and clap louder, we wouldn't keep falling into these predicaments.
