Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Britain Has No Balls!

Ed Balls will not be head of British government. They've installed David Cameron of the Conservative Party. To me it looks like the three stooges running the country. Darn no Balls to joke about and I was so ready. I'm not totally up on my British politics but Nick Clegg brokering a deal, I think this would be like Pelosi and DeMint forming a coalition government. Yea that would get far wouldn't it?

Then there was that circular firing squad of BP Transocean and Haliburton. If ever there was a display of the three stooges doing the Shaggy defense this would be it. Next we'll hear the Twinky defense I'm sure. They blamed everybody but their mothers and grandparents for this disaster but maybe they're saving that defense for later. Maybe we could just borrow Mr. Balls from Britain because we sure need some in this situation. Here you have regulators who won't regulate (remember these fine people were caught just a few years ago having wild orgies with some BP reps). Oh, and remember that these were the Bush flunkies who said everything was just peachy because you know when Cheney makes energy policy with the oil companies behind closed doors with nothing recorded then it must be okay. You have companies that won't take responsibility for their actions and expect to dump the whole thing on the taxpayer. Great, I should start a large corp. and get to keep all the profits with no risk of loss. And not one of these clowns will land up in jail you just know it because that's the way things work.


  1. I was so impressed with that hearing about the oil disaster on C-SPAN, with the BP America guy blame shifting like European road race driver zipping through a 500-year-old town. But he did say BP would cover all legitimate claims.

    Yeah, after 20-plus years of brawling and stalling in court, getting the liability reduced from several billion to less than $100 million.

    I also noticed that when repeatedly asked how the company could make such no-problemo assurances when seeking a permit for the well, the BP guy couldn't just say: "Look, we wanted that well really bad. We way overstated how nothing could go wrong. That was wrong of us and we won't ever do it again."

    More evidence, as if any were needed, that to be a top official of a major corporation, one has to be slithery, feckless and have little use for being truthful.

  2. hi Demeur,
    sorry off-topic. you'd asked about CRE foreclosures. I don't know much about it, ok I don't know anything about it! but here are a couple sites:

    you could search, then check her links along the right hand side.


    same thing.Both pretty good sites, if you aren't already reading them.

  3. That's funny about no Balls. As for the still developing oil disaster BP is screwed big time. They nailed them! It came out that before the explosion a pressure alarm went off and they made the call to ignore it. This stinks but I am glad they can't worm out of this!

  4. Whatever, there is no oil washing upon our shores and we should be thankful for that.

    Welcome to overpopulation of mother earth by a bunch of fucking greedy and idiot monkeys.

  5. But he did say BP would cover all legitimate claims.


  6. That's funny about no Balls. As for the still developing oil disaster BP is screwed big time.

    Like Exxon? Hahahahaha

  7. I just have to tell you Mr.Demeur, that this posting was absolutely hilarious, loved it! :)

  8. I just have to tell you Mr.Demeur, that this posting was absolutely hilarious, loved it! :)

    Sorry, guess I missed the humor in it.
