Friday, May 21, 2010

It's Friday Beaver Time

There's just too much stupid going on in this country to report on at the moment so with that I leave you with the bank failures.

Only one bank failure this week so far one in MN.


  1. I haven't checked for this on the net but if you can't find it email me. I got it from a friend who got it from a guy in Indonesia Oil Patch.


  2. The beaver community should dam up the waterways, forcing us human yokels to head to the gulf for water.

  3. Nope, but interesting, thanks.
    Email me at and I'll send it to you.

  4. Well, maybe there's too many banks anyway? And the greedy ones deserve to fail and go away. And the folks that was running them should be banned from banking.

    Blog Fodder, I can email you some humor, and pictures of boobs. :-)

  5. It keeps getting worse! Texas rewriting history, changing school text books to teach conservative values. It is horrible to watch your country implode!

    The latest in this end is the Texas textbook massacre! It is a terrible thing to watch your your country, your homeland, your place of birth implode. I so wanted to pass this great nation on to my Grandchildren in the condition it was when I was lucky enough to be born here.

    It is terrible to think of our Grandchildren's future in this mess we have made of our beautiful united America and our world. Remember America the Beautiful? United we stand divided we fall? I am afraid not enough do and we are in serious trouble!

    What a shameful legacy we have built and are leaving. We have nothing to be proud of and I am sick with what we have done to what we were left.

  6. Texas history textbooks are finally getting it right. Jesus rode in on his dinosaur and saved this great nation from the Indians and the comminists. And finally, future high school students will learn this.


  7. Texas history textbooks are finally getting it right. Jesus rode in on his dinosaur and saved this great nation from the Indians and the comminists. And finally, future high school students will learn this.


  8. Do each week some or the other bank fails there?

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