Monday, June 14, 2010

Ah Jeez

Just when I thought we might be getting out of Afghanistan somebody goes and does something like this Vast mineral wealth discovered in Afghanistan. Now with this discovery you think the U.S. is going to leave any time soon? Nope. We'll be there for the long hall yet once more defending corporate America from anyone else from getting their grubby mitts on "our" resources. Just when I thought the U.S. was smart enough to get out of a hell hole that wasn't worth two cents this happens. And you know what will happen next. Karzi will want a good chunk of change from this little gold mine until U.S. corporations get too greedy. He'll throw out the U.S. some time down the road or at least threaten to do so. He'll then be overthrown by rebels within the Afghan military infiltrated by the CIA. And hence a new dictator will be installed.
Mark this as a basic history lesson folks because we've seen this how many times before?

I hear there's large deposits of lithium there. Good. We'll need it for the manic depression.


  1. Of course, the discovery will also make the Taliban fight harder. we'll be there forever.

  2. Walmart is gearing up for a takeover.

    The new slogan is Merchandising in the mountains.

    They actually knew of this find since 2007. Why it's coming out now I don't know. Your right, now we'll be there for a very long time.

  3. China already has the copper interests and we'll see who gets the rest but I want to see Chinese troops protecting their interests not us. The Taliban can use this in their favor but I do not thing they are smart enough!

  4. Earth first, we'll mine the other planets later.

  5. Hey, why do so many idiots think I must stink just because I don't take a lot of fucking showers? There's other ways to stay clean you know. Any monkey can stay clean on one gallon of water a day.

  6. Just wait 'til you see the shortages (and quadruple prices) of Lithium.

  7. Demeur, there is plenty of history to make your scenario ring true. I will be surprised if we keep a large force there indefinitely, though. I think Obama realizes we can't afford that and that the public won't stand for it.

    I hope that's the case, anyway.

  8. There is something I don't know about Lithium? Well, that figures.

  9. I just had an awful vision, stinky standing there with a lithium battery on his shoulder challenging anyone to knock it off. He wins...

  10. Good Morning Mr.Demeur!

    I sware .... I get suspicious sometime's when you write, because alot of your thinking is similar to mine on many thing's .... wondering how come I am thinking the same shit you are?

    I havent posted on this ... simple because there has been so much shit hitting the fan .... I frankly lost goddamn tract of what I should post next! But sure as Hell been following this mess, I bet ole Cheney (formerly of the "Gruesome Twosome" Bush/ Cheney) is drooling up a bloody storm .... but I also expect that many of these sob's already knew this. Also concerning what Mr. A. Patriot was talking about the Chinese .... they already have rail plan's and worx .... heh, heh, heh, heh, heh, but the rail's only go into China for the copper mining they plan to rail in. But alot of these treat's that we find out about here and there are actually in the work's amongst the so called "elite" (not truely elite, but just well dressed upper crust hustler's) several year's before we even get hip to the game, is why I was suspecting they already knew this, and probably is why also that Bush had wifey (Laura) so gung ho on working in Afghanistan to help liberate and free Afghan women from the clenches of evil. We all do know for sure how corrupt this gvmnt can be on their best day. It will brighten the economy and create job's for Afghan's? yeah ... a bunch of petty job's with wage's to barely have essential's, enough they can take back with consumerism and tax. I know a day will come, as I have posted time and again .... when we will finally figure out why we are in all these countries .... which has nothing to do with bringing democracy as we visualize it, as it's to take over with global corporate dictatorship's. I will shut the fuck up now .... thank you Sir!

  11. I am surprised that the Russians didn't discover these mineral deposits. They were there long enough.

  12. I am surprised that the Russians didn't discover these mineral deposits. They were there long enough.

    They were just fucking around fighting, Americans go looking for the spoils.
