Thursday, June 24, 2010

Here's your florida vacation

Come to the pristine shores of Pensacola Beach where you can play amongst the dead sea birds and fish on wonderfully toxic brown sands. Sit back. Relax and smell that fresh oil saturated sea air. Ignore our beach help, those guys in white suits rubber boots and heavy gloves. They're only doing some tidying up to make your stay as enjoyable as possible. And don't worry about those red flag beach closed warnings. We only put those up to add a little festive color to the beach. And by all means feel free to scoop up some of the oil and take it home with you as a special free gift from us to you and your family. In fact why not take home a couple of bucketfuls. They make great souvenirs for friends and relatives. Now there have been rumors that the oil is toxic. Nothing could be further from the truth. Haley Barber wouldn't lie to you would he? Oil is natural after all. And don't forget to tell all your friends what a wonderful time you had during your stay. And if they act now we'll give them a special discount if they'll come on down. But tell them not to forget their buckets preferrably 5 gallon or larger.


  1. Good grief...
    Now I have a question...if indeed the gulf blows up,I'm thinking of a huge crater, miles down and across...
    The tsunami that would follow would also have to be huge. How far inland do you think it would go...wouldn't the east coast and west also have secondary tsunamis.

  2. Greeting's Mr.Demeur!

    Actually I heard that BP was paying for some Florida Tourism commercial's! :) Actually when I first seen that picture, it brought back some childhood memories in Buffalo, NY on Lake Erie .... right after the old snow at spring start's to melt out, exposing all the oil and pollutant's that were trapped under the snow and ice all winter (it looked kind of similar actually) my childhood was all spent in Buffalo, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Brooklyn.

  3. Tim I think only the Gulf region would get the worst of it. Look at a map. Even when there's qukes in the ocean off our coast we never see any tsunamis.

    Wow RC you got around as a kid. It does kind of look like the beach on the east coast after a storm.

  4. Oops..ya you have to watch out for the earth qukes.

  5. One of sons is stationed there and I am waiting to talk to him and hear the impact on the military who does all their sea training there or did.

    Sick to me is they are letting those inept idiot build a five acre island and drill down 2 miles and then sideways to 8 miles in an experiment to reach oil on Federal land. Afte4r this, I'm sick! How quick can they destroy us?

  6. qukes? as in salads..Ha

    I know we get affected even from Hurricanes in the Gulf. Lot's of rain.
    Tides a bit higher. I hope we don't find out..

  7. Tim they say if they even get a tidal surge then the wetlands have had it. At this point I don't think there's enough resources in the country to deal with this spill. It has to be done 24/7 to be effective. If this isn't stopped by August then the Gulf is finished. I had calculated 187 million gallons by December based on the original figures they gave. It's now over 160 million gallons and we're not into July.

  8. But on the bright side, think of all the bleak science fiction movies that could be filmed on these Florida beaches.
